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Telero Boxer

Fighting Pagero
Kangeroo tips
Practice punches
Bomb Bot tips
Do a right punch or left punch

Fighting Pagero

Sent in by Robert A. Cooper When fighting Pagero, duck his pady-cake attack, then follow up with a "machine gun upper cut" and a flurry of right and left jabs.

Kangeroo tips

Sent in by Chicago Kangeroo- Just keep throwing upper-cuts at him. As soon as he is about to hit you, he should get socked and jump around again.

Practice punches

Sent in by Chicago Practice- Wait for the animated sequence to start before the game. You can take some practice punches by using the left and right triggers.

Bomb Bot tips

Sent in by Andres Titus Keep hitting the Bomb Bot until he starts to explode. Next, use multiple power uppercuts on him. If timed correctly, you should defeat the robot without getting killed.

Do a right punch or left punch

Sent in by Herman During the scene where Harry the robot start's rising and there are flashes of light, use the L button to throw a right punch, and vice-versa.

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