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Red Alarm

Find a Kangaroo and her babies
Items you can find
Find a Game Boy
Hidden house with stick people and furniture
Flying tip
Wireframe of the Virtual Boy

Find a Kangaroo and her babies

Sent in by Jake In the second stage destroy the first three enemies in the first room and turn around. You will find a Kangaroo and her babies. You can shoot the mom for points, but if you do the babies will fire at you.

Items you can find

Sent in by Derek Krahenbil The following are items that you can find in each level. The Bowow and Mirow bonuses are invisible tokens that you lock on and shoot. When you shoot them, they will appear and you can collect them for points. Bowow looks like a dog, and Mirow looks like a cat (after you fire a homing missile at them). Stage 1 - Bowow Bonus - Something that looks like a spring or something - Game Boy - Virtual Boy machine - Virtual Boy controller - House Stage 2 - Bowow Bonus - Mirow Bonus - Girl in Bikini - Fish - Kangaroo (or another animal) and babies Stage 3: - Bonus (can't remember which one) - Bonus (can't remember which one) - Hermit Crab Stage 4: - Bowow bonus - Mirow bonus - Mirow bonus - Wolf head - Wolf head - Wolf head - Wolf head - Flower - Flower Stage 5: - Bowow bonus - Mirow bonus - Little man waving a flag Stage 6: - Woman (standing up) - Alien (to get this one, you must break the post with the alien in it. (You can see the alien inside the post.) This in the room after you beat the boss.)

Find a Game Boy

Sent in by Ryan Senneker In Stage 1, in the room where you can find the Virtual Boy and Controller, shot the walls (towards the top) in the middle of that room to find a Game Boy and something else that I can't figure out what it is.

Hidden house with stick people and furniture

Sent in by Brian Churchill. Play through the first stage until you come to the room with the small figures running around. Destroy the enemies, then stop and turn back towards the entrance of the room. Fly slowly along the wall to your right and shoot the lower right corner of the wall near the door. A little house will appear, complete with stick people and furniture!

Flying tip

Sent in by Andrew When you are flying around (not counting the danger zones) you should go as fast as you can and hold down the shooting button for your Balkan cannon, and only blast whatever is in your path or reachable without turning.

Wireframe of the Virtual Boy

Sent in by Brian Churchill. In the first stage, just before you get to the above mentioned room (in a room that looks like girders and has enemies that look like joysticks which pop out from left to right on the floor). When you get to the end of this room, stop and shoot at the left wall just before the entrance to the next room. You should see a wireframe rendering of a Virtual Boy system!

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