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Kirby's Dream Course

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Extra courses
Sound test
Continue playing
Game Genie codes

Extra courses

Earn a medal in all eight courses to select extra courses during a two player game. Earn a gold medal in all eight courses to select extra courses during a single player game. Click here

Sound test

Earn a gold medal in all the extra courses for a sound test.

Continue playing

Go to the Member screen and highlight the file you wish to change. Hold the L and R Buttons, then press A to enter the name change screen. Enter the name, then choose OK to continue playing your game.

Game Genie codes

Sent in by Brian Kent 358B-4FD8 Night Time 8229-4DD4 Night Time 2 AA61-4FA4 Everything is invisible, turn off effects to see 1BAC-3FDF When you shoot and Kirby stops, you get a tomato back

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