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F1 Roc II Race of Champions

Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games

Super engine
Level select
Special game
Another Special game
Sound Test
Change the course

Super engine

This lets you have a "super engine" for one race. You must first raise your "engine level" to maximum. Invest $100,000 in the development of a new engine. After finishing the next race, your engine will be ready. To use it, hold A and B while racing (can only be used once).

Level select

Wait for the opening screen (it says "Notice" at the top). On Controller 2, press A four times, and then press B 14 times before the screen fades away. Using Controller 1, go into "Grand Prix" mode, and select a file that has made it to the "F1" class. Choose your course, and press Up/Down to choose your starting track. Click here

Special game

Wait for the opening screen (it says "Notice" at the top). On Controller 2, press X four times, then press Y two times for a special game. On Controller 1, press Left and Right to move one paddle, and X and B to control another.

Another Special game

Wait for the opening screen (it says "Notice" at the top). On Controller 2, press Y four times, and then press X two times for another special game. On Controller 1, press Left or Right to move your ship and B to fire.

Sound Test

Wait for the opening screen (it says "Notice" at the top). On Controller 2, press L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, R before the screen fades away for a Sound Test. On Controller 1, press Up or Down to choose different music and B to listen to your selection.

Change the course

Wait for the opening, where it says "Notice" at the top. On Controller 2, press Up, X, Right, Y, Down, B, Left, A, A. On Controller 1, press Up/Down to change course, lap count, and time. Press Start to begin. This allows you to race the track of your choice under a time limit.

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