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Battle mode tip
Extra Players Mode
Credits option

Battle mode tip

Sent in by David [Mega Man] Perez To win in battle mode keep holding toward your opponent than hit the Y button. He should put his sword though your opponent. Keep on doing this and you will win!

Extra Players Mode

On the Title Screen, hold Select and press Start. This will bring you to the Option Screen. As you hold down the R button, press the following simultaneously. Up and X, Right and A, Down and B, and Left and Y. This will bring you to the Extra Players Mode, that let's you play a two-player game and change the scenery. Game just last one round.

Credits option

On the Title screen, hold Select and press Start to access the Options screen. Then, press and hold the L button and enter the following: simultaneously press Up and X, then Left and Y, then Down and B and finally Right and A. If you enter this correctly, a new "Credits" option will appear. Use the Control Pad to change options.

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