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Zombies Ate My Neighbors

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Reviewed by G.H. Normally whenever a movie is turned into a Video Game it turns out to be a big disappointment titles like "total Recall" and "Alien" were big failures. Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a big exception it takes the greatest aspects of B movie horror flicks like killing zombies and battling dangerous plants and jams it all into a cartridge. Add a 2 player mode tons of cool obsolete weapons like Squirt Guns, Plates,and even Popsicles and bad enemies like SandWorms, Giant Babys, Jello Blobs, and chain saw wielding wackos. The game has no real plot all you really do is run around kill monsters and rescue a rally of victims (just touch them).It doesn't matter what character you choose (guy or girl) the game stays the same.

Graphics: 8 out of 10

This game has some very good graphics. You get your first taste of the good graphics in the beginning you will be amazed how much detail the Zombies have. The graphics are nothing ground breaking but the cartoony graphics make for a good experience. The colors are very rich and beautiful which make for some good detail in the games like you can see individual types of clothing on the racks and the physical features of the victims you rescue.

Music and Sound: 8 out of 10

The music is VERY VERY cheesy which is why I love it so much it fits the game like a speedo. Each stage has a theme music which makes you think "Dang I could imagine this" although some stages share the same music it hardly gets repetitive. The sound effects in this game are great they will make you oooh with delight.The exploding of the zombie is nicely tuned and the laughing of the clown dummies will make you chuckle you can ever hear the chain saw buzzing from a good distance away. The effects are one of the highlight of the games

Game Challenge: 10 out of 10

The game challenge is very varied the enemies range from simple Zombies to Giant babies. The games challenge steadily rises the higher the level gets.Which makes a flowing effect. I haven't beaten the game yet but there is one thing I can tell watch out for the chain saw wielders. The game shouldn't be to frustrating but if it does you get a new password every 4 levels or so (a great plus).

Game Play-Fun: 9 out of 10

Although all you really do in this game is rescue people. The variety of weapons and enemies will give you plenty of enjoyment. The range of enemies will give you a good time. They range from simple zombies to Giant Sandworms but they are Strawberry Shortcake to the chain saw. There is fun stuff to do in some of the levels like finding secret areas or cutting all of the killer grass. With over 50 levels there if lots of stuff to do.


This game can and will be frustrating like when you get to the Chain saw Maniacs stage they will come at you in groups and I'm not lying, the only easy way to defeat them is to morph into the purple beast. It is also a pain when you have to rescue a certain amount of victims and there's a ton of enemies on the screen cause one hit and there dead. If you are at an easy level it is wise to stock up before going to the next level.

Replayability: 7 out of 10

Well.....nothing changes after you beat the game the weapons are the same and the victims don't move anywhere else but with the game being long and the option of a 2 player mods will provide hours of excitement.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

I found this game for under 10 bucks at the Brentwood Game Exchange so I think its worth it hell A pizza cost more than this so use your best judgment.

Overall: 8 out of 10

Well I summer everything up but I have a few closing words. ZAMN is a great game and a must have for anything game fan.

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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