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Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

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Reviewed by Pablo Yoshi's is the prequel to Super Mario World, another great game. I own every single real Mario game (except Mario tennis and other games like that), and this is the best. Yoshi's is the first Mario title in which you can do something other than jump. In Yoshi's predecessors, you jump on enemies, you jump unto question boxes, and (surprise) you jump over every other obstacle in the game. It gets boring. Yoshi's Island is a Mario style game with variety.

Graphics: 8.5 out of 10

The graphics are just about as good as you can get on a 16 bit system like Super NES. A little too cartoonish for my tastes, but the style of the graphics give the game a cute look (the smiley faces on the hills help it, too). The graphic quality is good, but overall it could have been a little better.

Music and Sound: 8 out of 10

The sound effects are good. There is a lot more attention to detail in the sounds than there is most Super NES games. The effects go beyond the normal blips and beeps. That puts Yoshi above other games. I'm as thrilled with the music. It's not that bad, I mean it sounds good, but its more of a conflict of tastes. It's just a little too cutesy, too kiddish for me. If you like that sort of music, then you'll love it. It's good quality sound, just too cute.

Game Challenge: 7 out of 10

This game is fairly long, but you can go through it fast. It's a little too easy to beat. It's saving grace is that if you get 100 points in every level of a world, you get two bonus levels. Getting 100 points is very difficult, and requires you to get five flowers, 20 red coins, and have full stars. The bonus levels themselves are very challenging, but if your just out to beat it, it doesn't offer much of challenge.

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

This game is fun to play. It has a wallop of secrets, multiple ways to defeat your enemies, including eating, jumping, stomping, seeding, shooting, and more, and (a little too) cute. Like I have said, this game puts more variety and fun into the original Mario series game platform.

Overall 8.5 out of 10

Overall, this game is fun. It offers a fun game that appeals to all ages, young and old alike. It's easy to beat, but if you're looking for a challenge, it'll provide some difficulty. It won't get boring before you beat it, like some games that go sour in the middle. Most of all it provides a game with an overall bright and fun mood.

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