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Star Fox

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Reviewed by Bryan Carter Prep your SNES for the first great shooter game, Star Fox. Your play as the young, mercenary pilot Fox McCloud and his team of Arwing pilots Peppy Hare, Falco Lombardi, and Slippy Toad. The story is that General Pepper, the leader of the Cornerian Army, a defense force in the distant Lylat system had discovered that the evil, scientist Andross had been collaborating crimes as he tried to conquer the Lylat system. General Pepper had confined him the the barren and desolate Planet Venom. Now he has come again to invade the Lylat system and General Pepper has called the Star Fox team in to do the job and save their Galaxy. In Star Fox, the producers for once had actually designed it so that your fellow pilots help you, and get in trouble in real-time battle, and made different courses to take to knock down the evil Andross in their own difficulty levels as the next is much harder than the last.

Graphics: 7 out of 10

The graphics in Star Fox are constructed quite good for the SNES, as they are polygonal figures. The real problem is that the characters are to blockie figured at most points, another defect is that sometimes, the graphics are too indistinct to tell if the enemy is just in the back ground, or in the path of flight. The colors are made good, but the enemies color schemes stay to usually blue, gray, orange, yellow, white and red. There are no outrageously colored enemies. The colors are also not mixed with the exception of one area (Andross Battle-Backround).

Music and Sound: 9 out of 10

This is one of the first games I have seen on the SNES where there are some voices! Although the sound like robots, it's a great change from just plain written text all the time. Also, you can notice that when your allies speak, they make there own unique sound. The Music is superb in my books as the boss theme is suspenseful and the stage themes are ready to get your mind to race in some points, and the use of the FX sound chip makes the music more bold.

Game Challenge: 10 out of 10

Star Fox as I said earlier, has different difficulties as many games do, but the different difficulty levels include different courses and levels you must take. The level lay out is linear as you fly in a straight path most of the time, but there are many obstacles and enemies that will stop you. The different courses pose to be very difficult (Out of three courses, three being the hardest, one being the easiest) the jumps are quite big in difficulty.

Overall: 9 out of 10

Star Fox is a great game and deserves a place on any ones self, and is great to play over again and again to see if you beat the high score, as the game ceases to become boring, and the overall idea is great, but has little depth. In the end, the game is magnificent.

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