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Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

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Reviewed by Hjjf 309 Street Fighter two, the World Warrior, is one of many Street fighter games That came from Arcades. And, I'm pretty sure this was the first for the Super Nintendo. And, this one got high, good, ratings from Nintendo. You've most likely played one of the Street Fighter games, in a life time. Maybe, "Turbo" "Alpha", or "Super". Just to let you know, I've heard the first Street Fighter, was on the N.E.S once.. And, it was a side scrolling fighter, not a one-on-one. Intresting, eh?

Graphics: 9 out of 10

The Graphics are very good, for the Super nintendo, and for the time this game came out. The Fighter's all look very good. And the areas you fight in, look good as well. There are people in the back grounds, standing around, and doing things that add depth to the Graphics. Also, this game seems to have more color then, Mortal Kombat, and other Fighting games. This could be either, bad or good, to someone, But I think it makes the Graphics even better.

Music and Sound: 7 out of 10

As for the, Sound effects, they are good. And pretty much, your "Basic Fighting game stuff". Punches kicks, and so on. The music is OK. I never really thought about it much, Thus it never annoyed Me, which is a good thing. Even better, if you do like a song or sound effect, you can listen to them on a Sound test, through the option menu!

Game Challenge: 7 out of 10

Its hard to rate the Challenge, of a fighting game.. Because usually, there are many difficulties. And, that goes for this game, too. Its pretty much simple, Easy is easy, and Hard is pretty hard. I never found the game, too hard, however. Well, its hard to explain.. But it is, always good to have the option to make the game harder, if its getting too easy for you.

Game Play-Fun: 9 out of 10

This game is really fun. Unlike other, fighting games, it just does not seem to get old. And I'm talking about the one player mode! Of coarse, you most likely already know, the two player mode is really fun.. But it does not make the game, like some other multi-player modes do. So, you don't have to worry about the game being boring if you don't have another player, to play with.

Replayability: 8 out of 10

Like I said, the game does not seem to get really old. Its a game your'll want to keep playing through, most likely.. Of coarse, after about a million times of playing through, and becoming a Master of the game, the fun has just started, Because then its time to use all your power, and put all your training to use, in the Two player V.s mode.

Game Value : 8 out of 10

This is hard to say right now, because the game is pretty old.. So, I'll say that its worth thirty or less. (Yes, its old.) If you see it for more then that, you might want to make sure that you really can't find it for any cheaper, before you grab. (Yep, its old..) And, its hard to find anymore, So you might want to grab if you find..

Game set-up: 10 out of 8

This game is like most other one-on-one fighting games, You pick one of eight fighters, And fight the rest of them. And, at the end, you fight four boss's that are not fighters you can choose. Then you beat the game. Of coarse, its not that simple, even on an Easy mode.

Overall: 8 out of 10

This is overall a fun fighting game. And, its worth checking out. I'd also like to state, if you like this game you might like Street Fighter II: Turbo.. (Also, on the Super NES.) I can't say for sure, because I have not played it, However I've heard its basicly Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, only with a new Turbo Option, and the option to choose the four boss's of "The world Warrior" as your own fighter.

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