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Pocky and Rocky

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 4.5 out of 10 Sound: 6.5 out of 10 Gameplay: 5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 3.5 out of 10 Overall: 6 out of 10

Graphics: Graphics were just a tiny bit below normal. Characters weren't very detailed or varied and it had a sort of cartoony feel to it. Sound: Music was really cool, probably the best part of this game. It's uniquely Japanese, so if you like that type of stuff then you'll like the music in the game. The sound effects were very goofy sounding. Gameplay: A game that's a lot like The Mystical Ninja (I prefer The Mystical Ninja more) except that it's more of an overhead view and you make your way up the screen to the end of the level. Not a bad game, but I really didn't find it interesting enough to give it a high score. Hardness factor: I didn't find this game hard at all. You pretty much have enough power to take care of enemies, and the bosses are so simple. Overall: 6 out of 10. An okay game, but there's no replay value and it does get boring. Still, don't let that turn you off to this game, it's one of the few games on the SNES that is interesting.

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