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Mega Man 7

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Reviewed by Primal23 First and fore most, I am a huge Mega Man fan! I have been playing Mega Man games, starting with Mega Man 2 for the NES. So when Capcom started making MM games for the SNES I was thrilled, but upset that it was a new MM not the original. So after waiting I finally was happy to see MM7.

Graphics: 9 out of 10

The graphics were taken from MMX series, and were made even better. MM looks great in the SNES format, and even me who loved the fact that MM never changed his appearance in the NES version, loved the changes. The background is amazing, and the level bosses look wonderful, and have different lengths and sizes.

Music and Sound: 9 out of 10

I would have given this game a 10/10 if it were not for the "beep" you get whenever MM jumps. This is kind of cool at first, but if you are playing for a long amount of time, it just gets on your nerves. But the music is great, with the standard music for each boss.

Game Challenge: 8 out of 10

This game had it's difficult parts and bosses, but for the most part it is not very difficult. Once you get to Wily's temple, the bosses are more difficult. The most annoying is the fact that they use the disappearing Wily ship attack at the end. Capcom must love this, because it has shown up in a total of about 4 MM games.

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

I love this game! When I first got it, I didn't play another game for 2 weeks. It is one of the best MM games in the series.

Replayability: 7 out of 10

Once you get everything, unless you are a diehard fan, you are probably not going to play again. The only thing that would help is that if you enter a code into the game, you can play a two player Street Fighter type game with MM and Bass.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

Though you probably cannot find this game new anywhere, since it came out late in the lifespan of the SNES, going via Ebay or any other auction site you can find it at a good price. It is worth it!

Story: 8 out of 10

If you played MM6, which Capcom didnŐt even want released, so Nintendo released it, Dr. Wily was finally arrested. Well as to be expected he escapes, with the help of four of his robots that were programmed to come to life if he did not prove that he was around.

Overall: 9 out of 10

A great Mega Man game, and one of my favorites.

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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