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Mega Man 7

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Reviewed by Bensen This is without a doubt the best game ever {next to Mega Man X}.This game brought the dying Mega Man series and brought it back to life.This game is the sequel to Mega Man 6!!!!!!The game is hard without being impossible.

Graphics: 10 out of 10

The graphics of this game rival that of Mega Man x which was made almost 3 years earlier.the images just jump out of the screen right at you. The game overall has very good graphics even for today {now that that I have a Dreamcast and a Playstation}, I still play this game very often.

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

The music of this game are at par with that of Mega Man X.The music of this game is one of the best of any game today.Sometimes I just play this game to listen to the music and the various sounds of the game. When I do play I always listen to music from the stages in this order-cloudman, Freezeman, Springman, Turboman.

Game Challenge: 9 out of 10

the game was even hard for me and I've been playing Mega Man since it came out in the states back in 1987. I own all the Mega Man games. This game is relatively easy compared to the Mega Man x games. In the the first Mega Man games 1-9 [9 is in Japan only] you defeat the bosses and Dr. Wily, in the Mega Man X games you also beat 8 bosses and sigma. When I first got this game in 1995, it took me about 2 years to beat the game!!!!!!!!!

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

I have spent many years playing this game now and its still as fun as when I got it. Playing this game can get addictive [my girlfriend stopped seeing for a month once]. The game is very fun as is their counterparts.


If you have not played any of the Mega Man games yet, your in for a big surprise. I've spent many years!!!!! Trying to beat this game and I did it in 1997. It took me 2 whole years to try and beat the game and I did it in September of that year. This game can be very frustrating if you haven't played any of the Mega Man games

Game Value: 9 out of 10

When it came out in the states in late 1994, it was about $35, and I think it was well worth the money and I bought it. I've always thought since then that it could have been cheaper like Mega Man X which was $27 when it came out in 1993.

Overall: 10 out of 10

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