The Jetson's: The Invasion of the Planet Pirates
Reviewed by Ty Massei
Graphics: 7 out of 10
Sound: 6 out of 10
Gameplay: 6 out of 10
Hardness factor: 3 out of 10
Overall: 6 out of 10
Graphics: Graphics were pretty good. A lot like the cartoon, but they
were still blocky. No cool effects either, but it's visually pleasing.
Sound: Sound was nice. Very cartoony and fit the theme really well.
SFX were lacking, unfortunately.
Gameplay: An interesting sidescroller. You play as George Jetson and
you make your way to the end of the level. You are armed with a vacuum
and you suck enemies, blocks, and items up. Also, you can suck yourself
to a wall. Pretty cool, but the game is so repetitive it sucks the fun
right out of it. They could have thought of new ways to make it fun, but
took the easy way. By the time you reach the last guy, the game is just
so boring. Controls are nice and simple; at least they got that down right.
Hardness factor: Easy. Targeted to a young audience definitely and there's
little challenge in the game.
Overall: 6 out of 10. Nice graphics and sound that fit the game well.
Gameplay is also unique; unfortunately they messed up and decided to
make every level the same. Not a bad game besides that.