Reviewed by Ty Massei
Graphics: 5.5 out of 10
Sound: 3 out of 10
Gameplay: 6 out of 10
Hardness factor: 7.5 out of 10
Overall: 5.5 out of 10
Graphics: Graphics are okay, nothing special. Your shots look cool, but
enemies, obstacles, and bosses all look very basic. They should have
spent a bit more time on it, but at least your cars look good.
Sound: Sound is pretty bad. It's basic and all of the stages sound pretty
much the same. Not a high point in this game, definitely.
Gameplay: A game where you play as a futuristic car on a track and
must get to the end of a level. It's not really a bad game; it's sort of
fun though repetitive. Along the way you must dodge obstacles, like
fire, and shoot at enemies until you get to a boss. After you beat the
boss, you sometimes can get an upgraded car that is faster and shoots
better. Control is pretty good, especially for the later cars and the
movement of everything are pretty smooth.
Hardness factor: It gets hard towards the last few levels. The last
bosses especially are a little too tough for your little car. You'll
need a bit of patience for this game.
Overall: 5.5 out of 10. Graphics are okay, sound is bad, but the gameplay
is at least original. You'll probably enjoy this game, but you won't play
it over and over unless you're extremely bored.