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Hyper Zone

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Reviewed by David In Hyper Zone, you are the pilot of a small, space-ship looking craft. You fly over a small lane,(the lane never changes direction) between two rows of electricity that will eventually kill you if you fly into them (losing energy kills you). You fire two disk-like things at enemies (buttons, boxes, ect.), and at the end of the level you fight the boss. As you make it to different levels, you will occasionally get better ships, which increase your shot power. You start out with three lives, and you get one more life for every 500,000 or so points you get. You can also recharge your energy at different places in the levels. You can also slow your ship down, but if it goes two slow it starts to kill you.

Graphics: 8 out of 10

The graphics are good for SNES, but they could have done better on the enemies and the bosses. The ship is pretty cool looking, at least, the upgraded ones are. This game is shown from a view behind your ship, and you can't change the view. This game also doesn't have very many things in 3D.

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

I liked the music on this game, and the sounds are cool, and the music really matches the level theme. It has sounds for when you get hit, when your energy level is way down, when you fire, and when you recharge. When you get near the boss, the music changes to alert you.

Game Challenge: 10 out of 10

This game is very very challenging. The first levels are o.k., but as you go on, sometimes you can't even see the lane ahead of you! The last level (Hyper Zone) has all 8 bosses, plus an end boss who shoots about 10 beams at a time at you, and is very hard to kill. (Each beam is about the size of your ship.)

Game Play-Fun: 7 out of 10

This game was not extremely fun, mostly because it is so hard, but it is a fun game to try to beat, and have some friends over to try to beat it, but it is not a two-player game, so you have to take turns at the levels.


Yes, this game is pretty frustrating, so if you suck at games like this, or you have a tendency to destroy controllers, don't buy this game. The only way I could get past the 7th level was with a Game Genie.

Replayability: 8 out of 10

This game will keep you coming back to try to beat it over and over again until you beat it or break it. Once you beat it, you probably won't want to play it again.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

I bought this game used for 5 bucks at Game Crazy, a used+new game store, and I thought that it was worth it. I don't know how much it is new, but I don't think I would buy it for more than ten or eleven bucks.

Overall: 8.5 out of 10

Overall, this game was pretty good, good graphics, great music, hard challenge, so I considered it pretty good overall.

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