Final Fantasy 2
Reviewed by Alx6
I know with all the hype about FF7. Which is a good game. But one day I
got stuck on it, so I decided to rent FF2. It is just plain fun. It really
has a great storyline like FF7 does. It has it's shares of those text
messages though. But if you're a fast reader or like details, I wouldn't
skip them. If your looking for a good RPG on a 16-bit system with no
hype, you just found a great one!
Graphics 6 out of 10
The graphics are actually not to bad at all. The world map really looks nice.
The graphics can't compare to next generation systems though. You should just
rent the game and see the graphics are hard to describe. But trust me,
you won't be disappointed!
Music and Sound 7 out of 10
The music is great! The SNES doesn't have a bamillion of sound channels, but
it still fares well on it's own. It isn't really a masterpiece but it's okay.
Game Challenge 9 out of 10
This game is harder than FF7! You have a complex storyline but the game
itself is complex. You have multiple paths through the game with
multiple endings! Anyway the game is preaty though!
Game Play-Fun 8 out of 10
This is a really fun game! Multiple paths, choices, lots of battles really
get the player involved. Yet there is not much to say about the fun of the
game, I just explained all of it above!
The only complaints I have are the many messages and the complexity of
the game.
Replayability 9 out of 10
There's a little bit you can do after you beat the game, but most of it
involves playing it over. But when you are in the middle of the game
and turn in off, you have to turn it back on!
Game Value 7 out of 10
This is a great game with little hype, nuff said!
Overall 8 out of 10
This is a great game and if you want the details, just look up this review!