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The Chessmaster

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 3 out of 10 Sound: 5 out of 10 Gameplay: 1 out of 10 Overall: 3 out of 10

Graphics: The graphics are bad, even for a chess game. The pieces look plain, the chessmaster looks bad, and so on. Sound: Sound is pretty much nonexistent. What is there is also pretty bad. Gameplay: A basic chess game. You can find more interesting freeware version online. It is boring and it takes forever for the chessmaster to move a piece, especially so on the hardest setting. Not much else to say about it. Overall: 3 out of 10. Not a very good game in any aspect and you can find better freeware versions online. It's boring and tedious and won't hold your attention for long if you want something exciting.

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