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Breath of Fire

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Reviewed by Jeremy In the world of RPGs, games come and go,some flickering with a distinguished flame that sets it apart from others. Some flames are big enough, bright enough,to spawn a series. Capcom did just that in 1993 with the release of Breath of Fire. The Breath of Fire series has become arguably the second most popular RPG series, behind Final Fantasy. What sets it apart from other RPGs are the difficult boss fights and unique battle system. And this game is the start of that magnificent series.

Graphics: 9.0 out of 10

The visuals in BoF are very pleasing. The effects of certain enemy attacks and magic in battle are spectacular. The characters are well drawn,and the backgrounds are quite detailed. The overworld map is colorful and creative. The enemies are incredibly well drawn, far exceeding the monster graphics of most other RPGs.

Music and Sound: 9.1 out of 10

As with most RPGs, Breath of Fire has a great soundtrack. The tunes keep you involved with the storyline, changing along with the mood and emotion of certain areas of the game. From the courageous, stirring overworld music to the tranquil, somber sounds of the deep sea, BoF's musical score always remains riveting.

Game Challenge: 9.5 out of 10

The great challenge in the Breath of Fire series all began with the first one.The bosses are immense,and some seem like they will never die. You must strive to constantly keep your party's levels up to grade with the strength of the enemies you will encounter, and there are many challenging, long dungeons filled with these beasts along the way. This game will keep you challenged to unlock it's secrets from beginning to end.

Game Play-Fun: 9.2 out of 10

Once you first taste the game play of Breath of Fire, you won't want to put the controller down. The battles are unique and the dungeons and various plains of the earth are always thrilling. This game even popularized the day/night theme, as the overworld and towns across the world map change from day to night at intervals. Townspeople say different things depending on the time of the day.

Replayability: 7.5 out of 10

The replayability is about the only thing that's not close to perfect in this game. After you play through the entire length of this enormous game, you'll feel like there's nothing left for you to do in the game.

Overall: 9.3 out of 10

Breath of Fire is the game that started the BoF series,and is arguably the best in the series. You won't forget the magical storylines along the way. This game will stay etched in your memory. One of the greatest RPGs ever, Breath of Fire is a must-play for any RPG fan.

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