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Brawl Brothers

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Reviewed by Ty Massei

Graphics: 7 out of 10 Gameplay: 4.5 out of 10 Sounds: 4.5 out of 10 Hardness factor: 7 out of 10 Overall: 5.5 out of 10

Graphics: Brawl Brother's graphics are okay. They are detailed for a beat `em up, but are pretty normal for an average SNES game. Sound: Sound is also okay. It's pretty basic and doesn't really set the mood, but it isn't annoying. The music would be better if it was more adventurous, but that is not the case. Gameplay: A basic beat `em up where you can play as two characters. Two characters is pretty limited for a beat `em up, even for the SNES. The controls are also pretty weak, as is the story. It's not unfun, though it isn't the best beat `em up for the SNES. Hardness factor: Bosses are hard, but since all the enemies act the same they usually aren't that hard until the later levels. You must save up your guys if you expect to beat this game. Overall: 5.5 out of 10. The best way to describe this game would be a basic beat `em up. There's nothing really special or extraordinary about it.

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