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Battle Clash

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Reviewed by Jason Paczkowski Battle Clash was released in 1992 as one of the games for the new Super Scope. 8 years later, in 2000, I find myself playing this game again after finding my Super Scope. That was when I realized how fun this game was. Battle clash is a fighting game using the Super Scope. In it, you are the gunner of an ST, a machine designed like a human, but armed with different guns to destroy your opponent. The pilot is a character in the game, who wants to destroy the person who destroyed his father, Thanatos. To get to him, the main character must battle through six chiefs and two generals, each one with a different ST. Some are weak and fast, while others are strong and slow. Once you get through the game though, it isn't over. You can then go through it again, with a harder difficulty. Also, it skips through the story, allowing more action. Now I will stop giving away the game and begin the actual review.

Graphics: 8.5 out of 10

For the time when this game was released, the graphics are very good. The STs are very nicely drawn, and the scenes where the action actually takes place have a good amount of detail. There are also characters' faces, which are not perfectly detailed, but look good. However, most of the STs use a same basic design. Also, there are only about 10 different scenes to look at, and, although the creators tried to give it a 3D-like image, it really didn't work as well as they planned. For the scenery, there are two different places, the foreground and the background, nothing else. More detail should have been put into them. However, overall the graphics look good.

Music and Sound: 6 out of 10

The game didn't really make a good mark here. What I do like about it is that there are different sounds for each stage, but after a while, the same sounds get a bit boring. Plus, the music for each stage sounds like it is a 15-second repeating track. The music needs more detail in it. Also, the sounds are a bit boring as well. Each ST makes the same sound when hit, and the same sound when firing each weapon. The only difference in the sound between characters is their laugh if you lose, but that doesn't vary that much. Overall, this game did not make a good impression in the sound department.

Game Challenge: 9 out of 10

The game does provide a good challenge for any player. Each ST you face has its own moves and characteristics. For example, one ST has invincible armor except for one spot, which hitting once will disable the armor. Another ST's body parts are easily blown off, but it is hard to get a good hit on it. Each ST provides a different method of fighting, and you have to be able to adjust to it to win. Using the Super Scope increases the challenge, because you have to move along with the ST and wait while your main gun charges before you can get a good shot. Each weapon also has its own advantages and disadvantages. One weapon weakens your opponent so much one full blast from your gun will destroy any part of his body, but it drains your life in the process. Even after you finish this game, you can beat it again, with the same enemies, but much harder, stronger, and faster. This is a game that takes training to beat.

Game Play-Fun: 7 out of 10

The game's essential purpose is fun, and it is fun to play. The Super Scope provides more interaction into the game, allowing you to experience the game even more. It is very easy to get into the game, playing it for a couple of hours just because you hate one opponent so much that you can't stand him. However, for two players, not much interaction occurs. The only real option you have is time trials, which doesn't provide too much fun. It would be better if, in some way, the players could fight against each other. That would be a better challenge. However, that isn't the way it works, and it doesn't make the game much fun for two players.


The game can become very frustrating at time. A couple problems can be if the Super Scope suddenly runs out of power, or if you are too far back from the TV, or if you just can't beat one opponent. If the Super Scope suddenly loses power for any reason, you are a sitting duck. Also, if you are too far away, you may not be able to fire as many shots, taking more damage and not damaging your opponent enough. Plus, these characters can make you angry sometime, if you can't beat them or if you can't seem to counter a certain move.

Replayability: 5 out of 10

Really, this game is one of those games you won't play too much. Once you beat it, there really is not much else to do, except see if you can beat it with harder opponents. Unfortunately, that isn't enough. You may play it a couple more times, but it is very easy to get bored with this game, especially if you have to listen to the characters talk too much.

Game Value: 6 out of 10

This game is not worth buying unless you are really into shooting games. It is only worth playing a couple of times, just to have some fun, but then, it just seems to be boring. There isn't much of a thrill in doing the same thing over and over again. My suggestion is that this is one game you would rather rent than play. However, if you really like shooting games, and you like this game after renting it, then go ahead and buy it. Even with the increasable difficulty, it is still only worth renting.

Overall: 65 out of 100

Battle Clash has good graphics and a good challenge, but that is it. This game provides an atmosphere for playing it one-time. There isn't much to do except follow the path the game gives you, which goes back to the replayability. The only reason this game isn't a great game is because of that. If the game has more possibilities, then it would receive a higher rating. However, other than the replayability, this game is a good game. It provides a competitive atmosphere while letting you have fun at the same time. Plus, it is a good chance that as long as you know a little bit about the Super Scope, you will enjoy it the first couple of times through.

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