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Send in your own review using this form, using any of the boxes that you want to. Or if you all ready have one made, just copy and paste it into the form and press 'SEND'.

Each review must be one page or longer, at least as long as this review, if you want to see it show up on the page. Try to have each section that you use be one paragraph long or longer. The bigger the better. Also, don't compare a game on an older system with the Nintendo 64. For example, for the NES game Super Mario Bros. 3, don't give it a graphics grade of 2 out of 10 because Super Mario 64's graphics are 10 times better. Compare that game with other NES games. Here are two examples, size wise. A small review, the smallest allowed. Now this is what I call, a REAL review!


Nintendo DS Game Cube Game Boy Advance Nintendo 64 Super NES NES Game Boy Virtual Boy Name of the game: Your E-Mail address: Anti-spam tip: Instead of domain.com, enter it as domainDOTcom or mark one of these credit options. (Default is credit with E-Mail address.) No credit Credit without E-mail address. Your Name: Introduction:


Out of: (Score for graphics, letter or number grade.)

Music and Sound:

Out of:

Game Challenge:

Out of:

Game Play-Fun:

Out of:

Game Play-With the Rumble/Rumble Pack (Game Cube and N64):

Out of:


Out of:

Game value, worth the price?:

Out of:

Any other category:

Out of:

Any other category:

Out of:
Conclusion, overall: Final grade (Overall, not average): Out of:

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