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WWF No Mercy

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Reviewed by J.D. Go out and buy this game now! This is hands down the best wrestling game ever made on any system period. Smackdown 2 on PS and Royal Rumble on Dreamcast are nothing when it comes to No Mercy. The story lines are great, the AI spectacular, the wrestler edit mode better than ever before, and the game play modes are improved upon and added to with new double team moves and backstage areas. Another reason the game is so cool is the smackdown mall, a place where you buy upgrades for your wrestlers including new moves, people, clothes, and props.

Graphics: 5 out of 5

The graphics are not perfect but are an enormous improvement on Wrestlemania 2000's. The people are no longer blocky, and the arena's look very professionally done, especially the Smackdown set. The animations are gorgeous and look even better than last year's Wrestlemania. The only problem I have with it is the pyrotechnics are not quite as good looking as Wrestlemania's and the titantron videos have not been improved on at all. This is probably due to the N64's limitations however and is only a minor flaw at most.

Music and Sound: 4 out of 5

The menu music is cool and the intro video has a good theme, but the in the ring music in my opinion sucks. I always turn it off in the options menu. The ring sounds are good and the table breaking effects are done pretty well. But for some reason it almost doesn't seem as cool to power bomb your opponent on concrete as it does in the ring because of a lack of proper sound effects. There is no announcers, but the in ring action is so intense that you will probably not notice or miss this. One other cool thing is that when you taunt they now chant your characters name. For example, if you taunt with the Rock they chant Rocky! Rocky!

Game Challenge: 5 out of 5

The computer is very hard when its on hard and easy when its on easy. The skill levels are designed to cater your needs for a challenge as you get better. The career mode is challenging, but not impossible and their are no unrealistic comebacks in almost all the matches, although the momentum can change very quickly in any wrestling match. Reversals are easier to do this year and the special move option lasts longer once you get it.

Game Play-Fun: 5 out of 5

This game is so incredibly fun that I played it for almost 9 hours straight the first day I got it and am playing it a lot everyday. The ladder match is very cool and the Backstage areas are fun. The career mode is satisfying and the computer acts intelligent. This game should keep you busy for months or at least till the next game.

Rumble Pak: 5 out of 5

Every punch is felt with the rumble pack and it makes the game feel more realistic. The specials get an extra rumbly feeling. The rumble pack only improves the already great game that this already is.

Replayability: 5 out of 5

You could play this game forever. There are multiple paths to every title in the game and there are seven titles I think. The smackdown mall, where you buy new moves, gear, and wrestlers with money you earn in career mode will keep you busy for a long time. The ladder match is very, very addictive, you'll play it over and over and over and over. Every other mode of play is satisfying in its own way also. Oh and I forgot to mention, there are over 75 wrestlers to keep you busy and 17 slots for you to create your own wrestlers in. Just buy the game, its worth $60!

Game Value: 5 out of 5

Hell yes its worth the money, now go and buy it. Wasn't Goldeneye worth the price? Yes this game is in my opinion as good and addictive as Goldeneye. Its very cool. The rock says get off your lazy monkey ass and go buy this game now!

Overall: 5 out of 5

The best wresting game ever made on any system period. Its probably one of the best games ever made, too. Its worth every penny of its cost and is a must have in your collection of N64 games at the least.

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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