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WWF No Mercy

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Reviewed by Bob Finally... THQ has come back... to N64! This game is actually very similar to Wrestlemania 2000 but it has a few twists. With the ladder match, ironman match, and guest referee match this is the best wrestling game out there right now. However if you own Playstation and have Smackdown 2 you might argue. Personally, I don't like Playstation but back to No Mercy is game wreaks of total awesomeness.

Graphics: 9 out of 10

This game looks great. The titantron is better (you can now slightly make out a picture) and the wrestlers look better than ever. The crowd has gotten better. You can sometimes see floating arms and legs however to me that's not a problem. Overall this game looks great.

Music and Sound: 9 out of 10

The sound gets better in every game THQ comes out with. The inring sounds (Punching, a guy falling to the mat, ect.) are great. After playing No Mercy for 4 hours straight I put in WM2k to see the difference. To be honest there is a huge difference. I never really notice how sound can make a good game awesome. THQ gets beat on for there sound but I don't understand why, even though there is no commentary the sound is great.

Game Challenge: 9 out of 10

It's amazing how in exhibition mode I can kill Taka and in championship mode he is hard to beat. In exhibition mode the game is pretty easy (even on the hardest difficulty). Championship and survival mode are the hardest. Royal rumble is easy however. Truthfully I expected this to be the hardest mode. Overall the challenge keeps this game interesting.

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

Two words... LADDERS GALORE. With 4 people playing this game is the best game ever. Even if you are playing by yourself this game ROCKS! Ladder matches are the best. There is no other feeling like Jeff Hardy Swanton Bombing Ivory off the ladder. The ringside announcers table adds more fun when you Last Ride Chris Benoit through it. In the end Fun is the most important and this game gives you loads of it.

Rumble Pak: 9 out of 10

To be honest I don't use the rumble pak very much but it adds to the game. It shakes when you slam somebody on the mat or when you take a beating. I don't have much to say about the rumble pak.


Somewhat frustrating when you can't even beat Funaki in championship mode. Not even near as frustrating as WM2k. If you get frustrated just take a break, cool down and come back later. I find this game awesome to take out frustrations on. For instance if you get mad at your friend just go home, turn on No Mercy, create your friend and destroy them in a match. That usually keeps me from breaking things in my room.

Replayability: 10 out of 10

Replayability is one of the best things about this game. There are about 10 hidden wrestlers (Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels, Ken Shamrock, Earl Hebnerm, and Ho) to name a few. Getting all the belts with your favorite superstar. Creating unbeatable wrestlers. The list goes on forever. Creating Wrestlers: 10 out of 9.5 Pretty much the same as WM2k. New outfits, new facepaint, new masks, able to create women and new moves pretty much sum it up.

Overall: 9.9 out of 10

This game has it all... well almost. With all I said about this game there is only one complaint. The reason why I didn't give this game a perfect score. No Hell in a Cell. Even though there is a cage match that isn't enough. Overall this game is awesome. If you have the game, good for you, if you don't... go get it.

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