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World Driver Championship

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Reviewed by Anthony Einsel Remember Gran Turismo on the Playstation, how you felt how powerful and beautiful it was for a realistic racing game, and you wished that there was a game like this for Nintendo 64? Well, look no further because Midway and Boss Game Studios have conducted the best racer on the Nintendo 64.

Graphics 9.6 out of 10

The graphics of this game is the best there is. There are such rich textures and bright realism, it feels that you've been sucked into the world of GT Racing. Then it gets better, utilizing the games engine, but not the Expansion Pak, you can see World Driver in a High-Res letterbox mode. It's the sharpest racer ever to grace the Nintendo 64.

Music and Sound 8.0 out of 10

The music riffs are composed very thoroughly with rock guitar tunes, but they grind after a while. The sound however is different, the engine sounds realistic and easily the best use of it is to change to first-person view.

Game Challenge 9.5 out of 10

Very much challenging indeed. There are two GT circuits on this game, GT2 and GT1. You need to learn the cars on how they function and work. Then, when you're ready, you go up against other cars in different cities such as Lisbon, Rome, and Kyoto. The Championship mode consists of a very long list of cups that range from 2 laps to 15 laps. It will challenge you on how you drive and how your car is...

Game Play-Fun 9.0 out of 10

It is fun... World Driver is an excellent game for you to have fun alone. Because it's basically a one-player game. If you have the time, go play this, you won't be disappointed. Practice hard and you'll succeed.


First time you're playing World Driver Championship, you will get frustrated on how the controls go. But when you progress through the game, you will finally become a pro at this stuff. Stick with it.

Replayability 8.5 out of 10

The career mode is pretty long for you to finish in both GT1 and GT2 circuits. As for what will happen, you will decide. But you can always head back to this game just to sharpen your racing skills and replay them...

Game Value 10 out of 10

Yes, it is worth the price... Warning though, if you're a patient player and are not bugged by the long time of the game, this is your game. If you only like Arcade games and games that don't take up your time, buy Beetle Adventure Racing.

Overall 9.1 out of 10

The best racer on Nintendo 64. If you're in the mood for a fast racer that challenges thought more that speed, give World Driver Championship a try. But it still doesn't come close to Gran Turismo...

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