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Wheel of Fortune

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Reviewed by John Merendino "Could I have an 'R', Vanna?" Every day you watch Wheel of Fortune, and you keep talking to the TV, telling the contestants what letter to choose. And you say, "If I were there, I could win this." Well, here is your chance. Pop in the game, and get ready for a thrilling time. Through out this game, you actually feel as you are one of the contestants on the show. From its incredible graphics, to its somewhat challenging gameplay, you will have a blast. If each Nintendo game was produced like this one, everyone in the US would have one. And this game would be in each system. Lets look at the rest of my review.

Graphics A+

If you did not know that the Nintendo system was running, you would swear that you are watching Wheel of Fortune!! Unlike most other games on the N64, the characters are not blocks or prisms you can actually see that there body is circular and proportional. And, the colors in this game are equally incredible. Its just like the real thing. On the matter of proportion, take GoldenEye for example. Excellent graphics from afar, but when you get close to the people, you will change your mind. Now look at the people in this game. Their heads are actually shaped correctly and inserted on the neck. The hands are normal size to the body, and right shape. The same goes for the inanimate objects. Even the ferns are shaped correctly. The colors featured in this game are breathtaking. Through each different scene and background, they show radiance and splendor.

Music and Sound A

There is not much music in this game, but there is sound. From the clear voices of the contestants, to the very last click on the wheel, you would think that you are in the crowd watching. Unlike other games, where if 2 different sounds are playing simultaneously, they will still play. Sounds like the real thing. One thing I would add for sounds are more voice segments. Such as, maybe when they answer incorrectly or receive a "Lose a Turn", or become bankrupt, they could give a moan, or say something positive about their situation. Other than that, excellent job.

Game Challenge A

OK, I've got it, Kennedy Space Center! Just one of the many answers in Wheel of Fortune. In this game, regardless of the difficulty, every now and then, you are bound to get stumped along the way. The easiest setting are simple to figure out, but sometimes extremely difficult to spell. The medium and difficult settings are not only hard to spell, but to solve the puzzle entirely!! Play with someone smart near you. On the easiest setting, you will know what the answers are most of the time. But, how to spell the answer is sometimes a bit tricky. Such as, one answer is about Peter Rabbit, and you need to know how to spell the authors name, Beatrix Potter. While watching friends play, it took them some 15 minutes to spell this name correctly. It is still fun. For the medium and difficult settings, you will really get a run for your money. The questions are much harder, with equally challenging words to spell. What I did notice, was some of the answers are long, but not as difficult to spell. You just have to be quick enough to figure it out. It is wise to even play this game with a dictionary or an encyclopedia handy. You might laugh at that, but try playing for awhile. You will be wanting one. Even though they are hard, this has an excellent mix of questions and are fun to try to figure out.

Game Play-Fun A

This game leaves unhappy when you have to shut it off. No matter whom you are playing against, you have fun. You figure out the puzzle before everyone else then you get a 'Lose A Turn'. This is when you get anxious. You wait for your turn, and when you get it, you drastically type in the puzzle. But, you missed a letter. Most games when this happens, you would shut it off. Not this one. Now you quickly shake off your defeat, and try again. More fun than watching. If you are the impatient type, though, I wouldn't recommend playing this game for a prolonged period of time. The questions do get harder, and you really have to think a lot during this game. For most people, however, this is fun. Even when it is not your turn, you have fun trying to figure out what the puzzle is.


This can be the most frustrating game on the N64, only if you make it. Even though it can be challenging, it is easy to have fun playing even if you don't know the answer. But, if you let it get to you, you'll go crazy. Just sit back and enjoy the game. Keep it at easy if you are one of those people. And remember, you can always press the reset button. I have said this before, and I'll say it again, the questions are sometimes difficult. And, if you like maybe waiting a while for your turn, then you will have no problem. Most of the time against other human players, it won't be your turn. But just wait, and try to figure it out while the others are playing.

Replayability A-

Even though the game can be played over and over again, and still be fun, after awhile, there is no challenge. Although it is fun, after days of playing, you can quickly memorize all of the answers. You might have fun, winning each time, but it takes away some fragment of the fun. For example, in the last stage of the game, the final round, the questions are repeated multiple times, and many of the letters are already in place for you. This could be fun if you want to win, but not if you want to have a good time. But, other than questions, you could play this game for hours on end. It is fun to the last. If you are playing against other humans, it is also fun if you don't win by helping them win in the final round. You don't have to win to enjoy yourself.

Game Value A

I'd have to say, that for $50, it is very much worth its price tag. This is an extremely exciting game, and can be used on many levels. You can play against yourself, the computer, and up to 3 friends. Plus, you might not always win against yourself!! You can get many a year out of this game. Since some Nintendo games are extremely expensive, this is a good deal. It is about average price, and you do get your money's worth. Not much more to say about that.

Realism A++

This is without a doubt, one of the most, if not the most, realistic game on the N64. From the audience cheering you on, to Vanna White changing the board, this game is as realistic as they come. And, if you look closely, you can actually see the beads of sweat form on players if they are nervous. You can't get more realistic than that. Also, the character selection is great. You can probably find a character that fits your description. And, it doesn't matter which you pick. They are all equal in quickness and intelligence.

Overall A+

Overall, I would say that this is one of the best games the fine Nintendo company has ever created. From the eye-popping graphics, to the incredible gameplay, this is Wheel of Fortune to the bone. So, if you are looking for maybe a challenge, and a good value, buy Wheel of Fortune. "I'd like to solve the puzzle. 'Best Game For The Nintendo 64'". Like many of its predecessors from the Nintendo company, this was very well made. With Nintendo, you expect that. Games like Mario Brothers 3 on the NES, Zelda on the SNES, Wario Land on the Game Boy, Goldeneye on the N64 these are games that paved the way for many others, like Wheel of Fortune. And, forever Nintendo will create games like these for our enjoyment. What else do you expect from a great company.

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