Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Reviewed by Jedi Master Kyle
Rogue Squadron is the best game ever made. Its graphics are cool, it
has 5 regular ships you can fly, plus 2 extra ships, the Millennium
Falcon and a T-16 Skyhopper. You can fly everywhere in the level, not
just in a straight line like Star Fox 64. Your wingmen are pretty good,
unlike in Star Fox and other games.
Graphics 10 out of 10
The graphics are just excellent. Lucasarts definitely put a lot of effort
into making them, especially the explosions and crashes. The cockpit
view is cool, but I like the behind-your-ship view because you can see
more, and it helps a LOT on Y-wing bombing runs. When your ship crashes,
the little pieces fly everywhere and there's a black crater on the ground
where you crashed. Sometimes the AT-St or AT-PTs will only lose their
cockpits and just have a pair of legs standing up, and when you trip
AT-Ats they sometimes explode. The people on the ground aren't exactly
the best detailed, but they are a huge step up from other games.
Music and Sound 10 out of 10
The Music in Rogue Squadron is Movie quality times 10. During a crowded
dogfight the music is fast-paced, and during nighttime levels it has an
almost eerie quality. The people at Lucasarts must have recorded most
of it straight from the Trilogy. If they make a Rogue Squadron soundtrack,
it will be awesome. The sounds of explosions and people screaming is
really good, too.
Game Challenge 9 out of 10
The game challenge of rogue squadron is sometimes too hard or too easy,
so I had to give it a 9. Some levels are hard because of ground based
defenses, some have too many enemy fighters, and some just have
wimpy Imerial opposition so you can win easily(the first mission,
Defection at Correllia, Imperial construction yards, etc.). Some, like
Escape from Fest, make you protect things that just cannot protect
themselves AT ALL (AT-PTs just don't do very well against AT-AT walkers).
Some levels are hard enough that after you lose about 27 times you just
want to play some easy game like Goldeneye, Star Fox, or Mario Kart for a while.
Game Play-Fun 8.7 out of 10
Except for those really hard levels, Rogue squadron is really fun to play. The
Imperials go down pretty easily once you learn to lead your target and guess
their next maneuver. Aiming is relatively simple, since you have a targeting
HUD in front of you. Its fun to shoot the little people on the ground, because
they explode in quick little flames and give out this hilarious little scream.
Rumble Pak 7.5 out of 10
Let me just say this: the Rumble Pak sucks when used with Rogue Squadron.
It only shakes when you're hit or crash, and that is bad. That's it. Period.
When you lose a level a lot, you're going to get really frustrated. The best
thing to do after that is to play a game that is really easy and you can beat
until you are less ticked. Then you should think about what you are doing
wrong and what you can do better. Then try the level again.
Replayability 9.5 out of 10
It is pretty fun to replay the levels, but sometimes it gets boring after you
play it 50 times in one day. If you use the Game Shark codes, you can increase
how fun it is by flying different ships on levels and having unlimited warheads.
Game Value 10 out of 10
Rogue Squadron is reasonably priced. It is worth every penny it costs, and should
really come with an expansion pak. As long as it's less than $70, its worth
it. If not you're getting ripped off.
Overall 64 out of 70
It is better than any other star wars game, especially Shadows of the Empire.
If you don't go out and buy this game now or already have it, you have no
excuse and should go slap yourself.