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Pokemon Stadium

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Reviewed by Roy Koopa Pokemon Stadium is an awesome game, especially for people who love Pokemon and have played the original game. If you liked battling on the Game Boy, then you'll love battling on the Nintendo 64 in 3-D! This is an absolutely excellent game that combines everything fun about Pokemon and puts it all in an awesome game pak!

Graphics: A+

This is the number one game in the graphics category I own. The three-dimensional Pokemon are absolutely awesome, and the gym and stadium backgrounds perfectly match what you would expect in that particular gym or stadium. This game excels in this category more than any other one I know, and that's what adds to everything else good about this game.

Music and Sound: A+

This is another awesome category for this game. The old battle music is super spiced up and sounds absolutely awesome! It makes the monotonous music from the original cool to listen to. Plus, the sound effects (such as the Hydro Pump, Ember, and Rock Slide moves) are absolutely outstanding! This game absolutely rocks in this category as well!

Game Challenge: A+

The challenge to this game is incredibly difficult. It is the most difficult game I have ever beaten, and it keeps getting harder and harder. In Round 1 alone, it is nearly impossible to win with rental Pokemon. But how are you supposed to get six Pokemon pumped up to level 100 if you're having trouble with the Prime Cup Master Ball if you don't have hours upon hours to spend beating the Elite Four over and over? You have to use the Missingno trick, in my opinion, because it is hard enough beating Round 1. In Round 2, it is impossible (unless you have good enough luck to win the lottery) to win with rentals. Even Pokemon raised but not having the best TM's will lose. You must have hundreds of Rare Candy, Protein, etc. if you want to stand a chance. You play Round 2 paralyzed almost every battle. Without enough strength enhancers and Rare Candy to build each Pokemon to the right level, you will not be able to win. I found that the Poke Cup Master Ball Round 2 Final Battle was the hardest battle you could possibly imagine. You must raise a different Pokemon for each Cup. (My favorite to use besides Mewtwo is Starmie, but that's getting off the point.) The game, in short, is as challenging as you could possibly imagine for a strategy game. It is nearly impossible, but it is beatable.

Game Play-Fun: A-

Here's probably the lowest grade of all the great grades this pak has. That is only because the frustration of paralysis in all the tough battles you think you have won takes away the fun of slamming your opponent. But what is the most fun is playing multi player. Everyone is constantly switching their Pokemon, making it a funny outcome when they both come out. The mini-games are also a load of fun, especially the Lickitung and Ekans mini-games. The fun to this game is trying eccentric Pokemon and using moves like Metronome in multi player battles, which still gives this game a high grade.


This game is absolutely one of the most frustrating games I have ever played. Getting paralyzed is my worst fear, because I feel I am unstoppable if I always move first. It really gets on my nerves when the computers score Critical Hits and their Pokemon, who should be weak against yours, end up with devastating blows on yours. Extremely frustrating is an understatement.

Replayability: A

Another awesome category for this one. You will be playing this day and night once you really get the hang of it, and in multi player battles, you'll want to play over and over and over again. The only negative thing in this category is the fact that after Round 2, there's nothing much to do. But you also have the option of trying to beat the Gym Leader Castle a whole bunch of times to pick up Squirtles, Eevees, Bulbasaurs, Charmanders, Kabutos, Omanytes, Hitmonlees, and Hitmonchans. This is another strong category.

Game Value: A

This game was worth the $60 I paid for it and an awesome Transfer Pak. (It is really about $100 thanks to the fact that without a strategy guide and Pokemon game, you can't beat Round 2.) You ought to buy this for however much they charge at the place you want to buy it at. It's worth it, believe me.

Overall: A+

This game is absolutely awesome and aces an awesome grade thanks to great graphics, music, challenge, and, of course, Pokemon!

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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