Mike Piazza's StrikeZone
Reviewed by Scott McCall
Since I had to rent Mike Piazza's StrikeZone, anyway, I thought I'd
give it a quick review. Basically, avoid the game at all costs, even
if it's at an attractive price. You would be better off putting that
money toward just about anything else. Yes, it's that bad.
Maybe most surprising about Mike Piazza's StrikeZone is that it
was developed by some of the same people who made the
entertaining Ken Griffey, Jr. baseball games back in the 16-bit days.
Speaking of which, that's part of the problem. The graphics look
like they're out of the 16-bit era, except there's a little rotation,
with almost zero detail and minimal animation. The sound is
equally as cheesy, and there's no play-by-play. And the gameplay
and control are too simplistic and unrealistic to even be in the
same class as 32- or 64-bit baseball games. Hell, it's less of a
baseball game than many 8- and 16-bit games I've seen.
If you think Mike Piazza's StrikeZone would fit the bill as an
arcade game or as a baseball game for beginners, then steer
your thinking toward MLB Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. There is
absolutely no redeeming quality here. GT Interactive probably
should have cut its loses and not published this game.
Graphics: 1.2 out of 5
Sound: 1.7 out of 5
Control: 1.9 out of 5
Gameplay: 1.0 out of 5
Lastability: 1.1 out of 5
Overall: 1.2 out of 5