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Knife Edge

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Reviewed by Raymond Almeda Knife Edge is an intergalactic, multiplayer, first-person shooter. This game takes place in Mars where a new civilization has been created. Your job is to protect the planet from evil ships or monsters that may be lurking around that may end life there. Remember, use the force!

Graphics 8.1 out of 10

The graphics for this game is fairly good. There are plenty of animations that appear throughout the game that take a lot of pixels to finish. With the high quality graphics, you were able to see many things while you were moving quickly around the planet. The graphics need a bit of brightness, but other than that, the graphics aren't bad at all.

Music and Sound 8.0 out of 10

The music and sound is fairly good as well. When a boss comes, the music changes constantly based on the type of area you are in. There are many places for music changes. There is no much music variety, that you might think you're in the next level while you really aren't! The music is entertaining and never gets boring. It keeps you beside the action.

Game Challenge 7.5 out of 10

The game challenge for this game is average. It isn't too difficult to beat the game especially when you have plenty of players on your side. There isn't much to do after you beat the game. Sorry, but this game won't pack up a fight.

Game Play-Fun 8.5 out of 10

Well, if you're playing with 4 of your friends in a revolutionary multiplayer cooperative mode, this game is real fun! It goes to a battle on who gets the most points. The best thing is that you don't fight each other. You fight the computer! The game gets boring when you play by yourself though. Never play or buy this game without a partner. It will not give any more competition than you are asking for. Otherwise, get this game. It's loads of fun when you have somebody to challenge!

Rumble Pak 9.6 out of 10

The constant shooting and the ship movements are great advantages with the Rumble Pak. You actually fell you're in the cockpit! This game is one of the best ever games to be compatible with the Rumble Pak.


The only Frustration was when you didn't have a partner to play with. Other than that, the game never makes you angry. Just play with a partner, and see.

Replayability 8.1 out of 10

This game will never be complete and replayable if you're the only one playing it! Get someone else to play with you! Make a bet! You will be playing this game for a lifetime. If you're the only one at home that plays video games, just rent this game. YOU NEED A PARTNER!

Game Value 8.6 out of 10

The question is not "Worth the price." The real question is "Worth the price for the group?" I'd say that you should only buy the game if you have a partner. If you don't have a partner, you're using up more than 50% of the total game. Spend the 5 bucks on a rental store if you're alone. If you got pals, watch out for this one!

Overall 8.6 out of 10

This game is a great game for people who loved Doom and Goldeneye 007. This game should not be missed especially for those with a partner. Still without one, try this game out. Someone might watch you and be YOUR partner.

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