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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Russ (Nigel) Hull

Graphics 10 out of 10

The graphics on this game are unremarkable! The people on this game look very real unless you get about a foot away from them, when in most games the objects look obviously fake, because their heads have edges. Another cool part about this game is that if you shoot something, the bullet hole will remain there for the rest of the game, which helps in case you get lost, you can see the bullet holes and realize you've already been that way, and turn around. The guns are really cool, too.

Music and Sound 8 out of 10

The guns sounds on this game are awesome and sound very real, with a different shot sound for every gun. Even a different sound for each gun when it is fitted with a silencer. The music gets on your nerves a little, though. And also, when your enemies get shot it sounds cool, cause they're like wincing in pain, but when you get shot you like, gasp, or something. The sfx are pretty cool, though.

Game Challenge 10 out of 10

This game is really good about starting out easy, and getting a little harder each level, until it gets tediously hard, which actually makes it fun, because you're good enough to handle it. And once you get done with Agent mode, it's good to have secret Agent mode, because, even though the levels are the same, the game play is more fun and more challenging. One example: On Agent mode, the scientists are completely helpless. On Secret Agent mode the scientists whip out guns when you shoot them. On 00 Agent mode, they whip out grenades at you, and then whip out more powerful guns. Definitely a 10.

Game Play-Fun 11 out of 10

The Game Play-Fun on this game is just awesome!!!!!!! The Single-player mode is so fun because you get to kill so many guys, and get so man cool different guns, like the AR33 Assault Rifle (an awesome automatic gun) Rocket Launcher (self explanatory) DD4 Dovostei, (a very powerful handgun with auto-aim) the Cougar Magnum (an even more powerful revolver 6-shooter) Sniper rifle, Golden Gun (a gun which will kill everybody with one shot) Moonraker laser (a very strong laser) and many, many more. Also you have a lot of really cool gadgets, like the spy camera, bomb defuser, covert modem, tracker bug, etc... Also, unlike previous shoot-em up games. you don't just kill everything in site. There are certain people or objects that are substantial to the level. This makes it seem like you're a real spy! And one of the coolest parts about this game is that the levels were made from actual blueprints from the movie! And don't get me started on the multi-player mode! You and another player or players can go around the levels in the game, and pump each other full of lead, using what ever guns you select in the options. This game kicks!

Rumble Pak 10 out of 10

Unlike a lot of rumble pack guns, the rumble pack only goes off when you shoot or get shot. Most games get annoyingly repetitive with the rumble pack. It may seem like the rumble pack would go off all throughout the level, but it doesn't. Certainly a 10.


Some levels, like the Cuban Jungle are so hard they get frustrating, or it's frustrating because you're stuck, and can't figure out how to beat the level. But there's a solution. Go to IGN64.com, and use their Goldeneye 007 strategy guide. Or else click on my name, Russ (Nigel) Hull, to E-Mail me, and I'll help you.

Replayability 10 out of 10

Once you beat the game on all difficulties, you'll find it surprisingly fun to go back to an easier level, and perfect it. And once you've done that to all the levels, which will probably take an eternity, you can just go around and goof off once you've killed all the guys. Try shooting out all the lights in a level, or spelling stuff with bullet holes, or finding glitches or cool Easter eggs (hidden surprises). One Easter egg is when you get the CCTV tape on Bunker 1, you'll find that if you look at your inventory, the tape turns out to be a copy of the movie Goldeneye 007!!

Game Value 10 out of 10

As you can tell from my reviews, the game is most certainly worth the price of about $70, an average price for a good N64 game.

Codes 5 out of 10

The codes on this game are a disappointment, because you have to earn them by beating a certain level with a certain time of a certain difficulty. The only bad part about this game. Although I think there's a glitch on this game that will get you invisibility, but you have to beat the game on Agent Mode (easiest) first.

Overall 10 out of 10

As you can tell, this is probably the best, and funniest game on the N64 system. Next funniest is NFL QB Club 98. Awesome graphics, gameplay, everything!! A must-own or rent.

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