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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Garrett Lindsey GoldenEye is one of the most innovative games for the Nintendo 64 (behind Mario 64 and Blast Corps) which almost warrants a purchase in itself, but it delivers much more then just innovation. GRAPHICS: 9.9 The graphics are creamy and colorful. In games like Quake and Turok you usually get a dominant color due to a limited palette, which is cool for the first hour then you start to puke. In Turok you had great graphics and anti-aliasing but tremendous fog and repeated textures. With GoldenEye, this isn't the case, you get bright yellows, stone grays, camouflage green, navy blues... every color on screen without slowdown and little fog (except for a few levels, but it's snowing, what do you think?). The animations are smooth and realistic. The only gripe here is the jaggedy heads on some of the people. I could say it's the best graphics for the Nintendo 64. SOUND: 8.9 The sound effects are sweet, from the sping of a sniper rifle to the grunt of a Russian soldier getting shot in the groin. The music is noteworthy also but some of it can become annoying, and most of the music is variations on the James Bond theme. Also I would have appreciated voices for the scripted parts (like talking with Alex). CONTROL: 8.0 The control of GoldenEye isn't that remarkable but it works well. Sometimes I wish I could aim while walking, driving the tank is a pain in the rear. Otherwise it works fine and it gives you the option of several different control styles. One even let's you use two controllers, but I only have one rumble pak and don't think it's ergonomically sound to use two controllers. GAMEPLAY: 9.7 The gameplay is momentous, it's a mix between Mario and MDK (PC shooter, excellent game, too short though). Like Mario you get multiple objectives and like MDK you have very intelligent enemies. But GoldenEye makes you complete the objectives at the same time and the enemies are much smarter (it's hard to explain how, check it out yourself). The spy "way of operations" also is fun. Shoot with a silencer and shoot from afar, be quiet, shoot before they see you... That's just fun. REPLAYABILITY: 9.7 The multiplayer mode is excellent. With all the variations you can have it beats out even Mario Kart in multiplayer replayability. Plus the fact that the levels on different levels aren't just that the Bad Guy is bigger and meaner, it's almost like a new level. And more pluses to the fact that the times will have you playing until you get all cheats/platinums (hahahaha!). COOKIES: 9.6 The way the cheats and cookies on this game are handled is really good. In this game you earn the cheats one by one, not through the internet-extending replayability instead of shortening it. And unlike Star Fox you don't have to be a guru to earn a code, normal people can get them, but not all of them, so you get some to keep you playing (which leads to more experience, more cheats!). Plus the secrets are good and different, and some are pretty original. Bottom-Line: This game has so many of the same qualities as a Miyamoto game, attention to detail, stupendous gameplay, great presentation etc... it's surprising it isn't! If you are vaguely interested in shooters this game will make your day. And since you can get it for $55 bucks at TRU (what's the deal with EB, why do people like them, they're prices STINK!) it's definitely worth the money.

Overall: 9.7/10

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