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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Jeremy Sundan This is a game that most people would agree is one of the best, if not the best game on Nintendo 64. It is my favorite game on any system. I would recommend this game to anybody. If you liked Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire your probably going to like this. It has a lot of creativity and it is fun.

Graphics 93 out of 100

The graphics of the game are almost perfect. Some flaws about the graphics are that sometimes when you die your body falls right through the walls or through the leg of the enemy that is shooting you. Also in multiplayer mode you can't see the opponents arm swing at you. Another flaw is that the dead bodies don't stay on the ground long enough. The body should just lay their for about five minutes except in multiplayer mode. Some good things about the graphics is that the opponents have different faces. The faces are textured very well. More good things about the graphics are that if you watch the enemy just stand their for a while they will do things like scratch their legs or scratch their butt. I seen a guy sneeze once, and sometimes I see them swat flies and one time I saw a guy shoot a fly. More good things is braking glass and watching the enemy die. It's also fun to watch yourself die too. I also like running over people with the tank and blowing them sky high with mines and grenades.

Music and Sound 95 out of 100

The music is cool because it comes right from the movie, but the music could have been better. The sound of the enemies body being crushed is cool and the sound of the glass being shot at and braking is good too. Some flaws are that the music could have been a little better and it would be better if you can hear the characters talking. I like the sound of the helicopters and the sound of things blowing up. It sounds very realistic. I also like the sounds of the guns when you shoot them.

Game Challenge 85 out of 100

The challenge is great. Some challenges are killing Trevalyn before he and his guards kill you, blowing up the gas tanks and getting out alive before the gas kills you, and destroying the alarms and the cameras.

Game Play-Fun 100 out of 100

The game is very fun! The multiplayer mode is fun but it is even better when you have two or three other players. The one player mode is fun too, my favorite level is the Facility. I like sneaking up behind the enemy and shooting them. I like going through the level without being seen by the enemy. Overall the game is fun for one, two, three, or four players. It is in my opinion the most fun game that I played on the Nintendo 64.


The game gets very frustrated at times, like when you try to get a certain cheat. And when you try to beat the Cradle on secret agent to get a new stage. I think the frustration is worth it and I usually only get frustrated with games I like anyway.

Replayability 95 out of 100

Golden Eye 007 is one game I would never get bored with. I play some levels that I have already beaten over and over again.

Game Value 60 out of 60

The game is definitely worth it's price. In fact I think it is worth more than it's price.

Poll Score 4 out of 8

I have started a poll score for peoples favorite games. So far I have only asked 8 people and half have chosen Goldeneye 007.

Overall 99 out of 100

Overall this is the best of the best. If you liked Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter chances are you will like this. If you do like Star Wars and Turok I recommend you buy this immediately. If not you should at least rent it to see if you like it.

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