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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Cameron Hinkle I was so exited, Tuesday, when I called Blockbuster and they had one copy of GoldenEye in stock. So of course I told my mom to pick it up while doing some errands. When she finally came back with the game, I ran downstairs, put in the game, and played for about two hours. I was pretty impressed with it. Then I had to go to the mall with my uncle, Dave. While at the mall we stopped at EB because Dave had to pick up a new computer magazine. So I looked around while he went to the counter to buy the magazine, and then he took me home. While at my house, I showed him GoldenEye, and he was blown away with it. After showing it off for an hour he says, "So you really like the game, huh?", and I'm like, "Yeah, it's pretty nice." Then he slaps a brand new copy in my lap and says, "Well here's something to practice with." Thanks Dave. I thought that was a pretty nice story, now on to the review.


I cannot believe the graphics, at times. At other times, they aren't perfect. Most of the time they are so great, it's just unbelievable. There are a few bad things though, like sometimes, when someone is hiding behind a wall, you can see their gun sticking out through the wall. But most of the time the graphics are amazing.

SOUND: 9.5

The sound in GoldenEye can really get your heart pounding. It's like in a movie, how they play the really intense music right at the suspenseful scenes. That's the same thing here. You can be running around in a maze, and the music will make you think that an ambush is waiting for you, right around the next corner.


The control is pretty hard to get used to. I still may, accidentally, shoot at a door when I want to open it, or shoot at something when I mean to aim at it first. But that's normal in most 3D-shooters. The good part is that the game gives you a lot of options, you can even try and use two controllers at the same time.


I like the gameplay of GoldenEye. It is one of the funniest games I've ever played. It can get very intense at times. But when I played with the Rumble Pak, I couldn't even tell it was on. If it ever vibrated, it was very little.


There are some pretty sweet weapons here. I especially like being able to shoot a guard in the head with my Sniper Rifle, sitting in a tower about 500 yards away. Or blasting a bunch of bad guys away, with an automatic, as they walk through the door. A couple of times I even shot the guys' hat off, sitting on the toilet (him, not me) with my silenced pistol, and he didn't even notice.


You can get really frustrated with the one player mode, and not want to play it any more. I think you can also get tired of playing death match. Although, even if you do get tired of trying to beat all the levels, it's still fun to go and experiment, and try out new codes.


This is an amazing game. It has to be the best N64 game out right now, or that will come out in the next few months. It's not only a "Doom clone", but it adds so much more to the game with all the strategy that goes into it. The objective is not just to kill everyone in sight, you actually have certain missions in each level. Sometimes, part of your mission is to make sure you don't kill certain people. I've had my eye on this one since January, and I think Mission: Impossible might be another one that will rank right up there with it. I would tell every one to, at least, check this game out.

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