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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Gennadiy Balandin In the wide selection of various doom clones and 1st person shooters it is not often to see a game with a "personality" of its own. Although most such games include new features and weapons, so far, only a precious few incorporate new and original gameplay and design. I am glad to say that GoldenEye is amongst these, it doesn't just offer "Mario style level design" (multiple goals) or new aim features (sniper mode, degrees of recoil depending on the weapons and height of the character etc. etc. etc.) or, well, just about every unique feature on the game, but, it finally allows the possibility of a well done movie licensee.


Fairly good graphics, though not revolutionary. A large cast of characters and interactive & realistic environments are what bail this game out. On the downside there is a sacrifice of quality over quantity (an N64 trademark) when it comes to enemies, they are highly detailed, but, if there are more than 4 or 5 characters on the screen you will start to see a large amount of slowdown, this is also why enemies disappear soon after their deaths which takes away from the realism of the game. While this game might not have as much blood as Turok, the death scenes are quite impressive, for starters there is a variety different reactions when a foe (or friend) is shot, for example: a Russian soldier is shot in the head- he drops dead immediately, however if you shoot him in the foot he'll just hold it for a little while and then get back to killing you, shoot him again in the stomach and he curls up with pain and struggles for a few seconds before finally completing the violent death- not to sound sadistic or anything, but watching this is pure delight! Environments are fully interactive, from moving security cameras, to exploding file cabinets, to bullets ricosheing of the walls leaving T2 like bullet holes. Another great feature of this game is its numerous short, real-time FMV sequences.

SOUND- 8.6

Oh, boy, although most sound effects are very realistic, I am sadly disappointed by the lack of voices. As for the music, there is not much left to be shocked about, a good quality digitized movie score starts of the game and classic MIDI patterns we've come to expect from video games afterwards. Guards don't curse, they don't call for help, they just grunt or scream and die :(, a selection of screams depending on where they are hit sure, but just not enough.


For those who have played a number of 3d shooters you know what I'm talking about! You're walking down a hall, minding your own business when all of a sudden a guard appears from nowhere scaring you half to death. Or, just listening to the sound of doors opening after you shoot somebody with your life bar almost empty. This game is a master of fright and suspense!


Tons of great concepts brought to life and a control skheme to match! More difficult to control than Turok, although, like the games N64 3d shooter predecessor, when you get used to it, you won't believe the maneuvers you're able to pull off. Also an welcome addition are level goals varying on the difficulty settings, the gamer will often find himself in a labyrinth figuring out where the keycard/mines/mainframe/programmer/natalya/exits are, this ain't your get a key and win type of game. The rumble pack is used wisely, often as an explanation when you get knocked back a few feet after getting shot. Like other licensees the game follows the storyline pretty close, yet creating its own timeline.


You have knives, you have dozens of different types of mines and explosives, you have realistic and non-futuristic automatic-nonautomatic handguns and rifles, and every thing you can think of. In tight quarters where stealth is the key, it is often a good idea to use karate or a silenced PP7 instead of an AK47 like Russian automatic, while in large open areas the sniper rifle is the clear choice. Weapon noises can be heard by other guards, and combined with advanced AI could make a lethal combo. Even with the powerful 50 clip phantom (you have to reload) in hand a player is still likely to die if faced with 10 guards- the answer... a hand grenade or a grenade launcher, a timed or proximity mine, or the ever famous-suicidal bomber like plastic! In other words each of the 20+ weapons and gadgets have their own use which adds realism to the game.


3 difficulty levels, hard to get timebased cheats, 20 levels and 11 original multiplayer levels call for weeks if not months of entertainment.

OVERALL- 9.1 Rent it, buy it, play it!

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