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Goldeneye 007

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Reviewed by Allen F. Quetone 007 is a real quality game. If you're looking for a game to entertain, this is it. If you're looking for a game to challenge, this is it. If you're just looking for a game, this is it. There's not going to be a game as good or better than 007 for a while. I've played it and played it to see if this game is a rip'. But there is no end to the fun.

Graphics 8 out of 10

I've seen better graphics, but I have to admit they are incredible. The shapes and polygons are much smoother than in other N64 games I've seen. The only glitches in the graphics that I've noticed is that when you go up to a wall your gun/weapon sometimes disappears. Also in Multi-Player mode, if your opponent is behind a door coming in for the kill, his gun appears to go though the door warning you of him. (Or if you're the killer it ruins the surprise)

Music and Sound 9 out of 10

The Music is great. The music is pretty smooth with the exception of a couple of skips here or there. The sound effects are almost perfect. The sounds are always on time. From the roll of thunder rippling out of a KF-7 Soviet to the explosion of a hand grenade, the sound effects seem to have no flaws.

Game Challenge 9 out of 10

007 is a very, very hard and action packed game. Even for me. (And believe me I'm GOOOOOD!!) Sure, if you have one of those unauthorized booklets you can beat it in a flash. (If you ask me those are a buncha game spoilers.) As I was saying this game is very challenging. It has 21 unforgiving and daring levels that even keeps someone who is just watching on the edge of their seats.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

I gave 007 a 10 because although challenging, the game is lots of fun. Even for Novices. Even if you stink at video games this game is fun because you don't have to do what you're suppose to do. Me, I love shooting the scientists. Also Multi-Player is fun because it's so unpredictable. (And because you can shoot your best friend.)

Rumble Pak 5 out of 10

Game play with the Rumble Pak on 007 is more of a nuisance than a pleasure. It vibrates when you shoot and when you get shot. It's not much more complicated than that. I feel it gets in the way rather than giving you a feel of the game.


007 is a very frustrating game. At times you may get angry at the game or say the people who made the game are stupid. This is only your temper speaking. If you beat this game without throwing down the controller at least one time you must be a very calm person.

Replayability 7 out of 10

Although 007 is real fun. It gets boring after a while. You could probably beat it about 2 or 3 times before you get bored with it. Multi-Player never seems to get boring. Unless you or your friends play the same way over and over, the fun of Multi-Player should never end.

Game Value 9 out of 10

007 is definitely worth it's price, $69.99. It will probably last longer than your carpet. If you think about it $69 is a perfect price for a game of 007's Caliber.


I think the Rating of T (Teen) is an acceptable rating for 007. There is some blood (only on the opponent clothing.) and unlike Doom 64 the bodies disappear about 5 seconds after they've been killed. I think the age limit should be 10+

Overall 9 out of 10

007 is an overall great game. It has outstanding graphics. Great Music and Sound. It's very challenging. It's a lot of fun and does Ok with a Rumble Pak. You can beat it a couple times without getting bored. It should be used by 10+ only. It's definitely worth it's price. But it is frustrating.

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