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Doom 64

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Reviewed by Turok I finally got enough money to get a game and I was unsure of which game to get. So I got to the store and after 3 minutes of searching around I found it! DOOM 64! I could not get my hands on it fast enough. I got home and plugged it into my 64, instantly I was immersed in the game. The first level was absolutely stunning. When I got to the last room I was amazed to see Demons (Big tough sharp toothed monsters) in the first level. In the first Doom The demons did not come in till the third level. After gunning them down I realized this was not going to be easy. How right I was!

Graphics 80 out of 100

The graphics are really wicked. In Doom when you passed under a light the gun you had would always stay the same color, in Doom 64 the gun changes color as you pass under the light. The blood is perfectly animated. When you drop a Cacodemon his guts spill out of his single eye. The explosions are kind of wimpy compared to the previous Dooms. But as we all know graphics don't make a game they just help it along, and Doom 64's graphics sure do help.

Music and Sound 90 out of 100

The music is a good quality, it is crisp and very clear. You can get very spooked when you here the music in some of the later levels. Midway needs to realize that this is Doom not Reasident Evil 2! The music also helps make the mood, in one level there is a huge temple in front of you and the music slowly builds up and then goes into a moan. The sound is another great aspect! You can hear very clearly the sounds of battle even when there are hundreds of guns going off. You can also here all the other bad guys roar through the distant corridors. Sometimes the demons will teleport in. So you hear them teleport then they start to raise hell.

Game Challenge 100 out of 100

This is not a game for the faint of heart! You have to be quick to beat this game. I beat the game on the easiest difficulty and it was still very hard! The demons are very good at dodging your shots and then retaliating. There is also some column jumping. If you miss it is usually good-bye! I you want an easy game then go play Star Fox 64 and stay away from Doom 64. one of my favorite things to do is to make the demons fight one another till there is only one left. In the final level you are attacked buy all the demons in the game x10. Yet you don't kill even half of them because they kill each other

Game Play-Fun 100 out of 100

This game is defiantly fun.

Overall 94 out of 100

In my opinion Midway scored big with this game. You need to buy it and if you think you need to, then rent it out first to find out!!!!

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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