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Doom 64
Reviewed by Kelly Gardner Okay, we've all played Doom and a lot of us are wondering, can the same-ole same-ole be fun again? Sure, the graphics are totally redone and the sounds are better, but this is the same game a lot of us thought we were done with. We moved on. Give me something new was our attitude. But now Midway has come and tried to resurrect Doom. Well, I'm here to tell you that if you enjoyed any of the previous Doom's or any of its clones, you'll love Doom 64. Get the game at Amazon.com!
Gameplay: 4.7/5
In most of the previous Doom's, the gameplay was basically blast your way through Hell. But in Doom 64, the focus tends to lean a little more to puzzles and tricks. But don't get me wrong, 90% of the fun in doom is blasting an enemy twenty feet back with your BFG9000 at close range. And you will get plenty of opportunities to do this because Imps and Barons of Hell lurk around almost every corner.Sound: 4.9/5
In my opinion, the sounds and music in Doom 64 are the best on the N64 to date. Not only is the sound very 3-demensional, but it is very clean and realistic sounding. The music is a little different in this Doom then previous Dooms' because instead of techno, it sounds more like something you'd hear in a spook alley. However, it is still excellent.Graphics: 4.5/5
The textures, lighting effects, and monsters and demons all look extremely clean crisp. The game moves very smoothly, and the only disappointment in this category is the lack of animation in the monsters. It looks like their movement is limited to only two or three frames. But that is common Doom and it doesn't really bother me.
Fun Factor: 4.8/5
This game is fun. The game is totally adjustable (options) and leaves the impression while you play that it was made especially for you. This is a game I will play to the end, no doubt. I just can't wait to get farther into the game and see all the little goodies Midway has hidden.Overall: 4.7/5
If you like corridor shooters, or even if you just like to blow things away, this game is defiantly for you. However, if you like the unrealistic, blocky look of the polygons in Turok then maybe you should get Turok i nstead. But me, personally, would rather be stuck in a room with 40 imps then be confined to shooting one or two enemies at a time that Turok offers. The only people I don't recommend this game to is the faint at heart or the people who MUST have 60 fps with everything onscreen. Enjoy Dooming.Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!