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Bomberman 64

Reviewed by sloopjm@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu Well if you're a Bomberman purist, then there's nothing as exhilarating as crushing three opponents in the multiplayer mode of Super Bomberman 2 for Super NES. Nothing. the reason is simple: Super Bomberman's multiplayer mode reached it's goal perfectly (possibly even better than Hudson had intended). Blending quick-thinking, close and long range attacks, random power ups, and balanced, all-out warfare in a tight 2-d arena. Multiplaying in Bomberman 64 is more like puoy pouy, so gamers don't claw their way out of little alleyways; they're dropped into full range battle arenas. Up to 4 players can take part using the Nintendo 64's built in ports, dead players can rejoin as ghosts and piggyback on opponents backs; in several equally clever arenas are available. Some are simple squares, resembling the last minute of the plain multiplayer arena from Super Bomberman. Others are based on full 3D ramps and bridges, with harrowing drop-offs and ledges. Either way you look at them, kicking and throwing mayhem is easily and quickly attainable and, even better, bombers retain the ability to grab bonuses as well as pumping their bombs up to full size for massive chain-reactions. You can knock opponents semi-unconscious, pick them up, and you can still play tag team, albeit slower than in Super Bomberman. The single player mode contains the large, 3D, explorable worlds and action based adventure we experienced in Super Mario 64, and still retains the quick, on-the-fly strategy of the multiplayer game from the past. The single player world is 3D and viewed from an isometric perspective. Polygonal constructs fill the world with layered buildings, ancient bridges, dangerous rivers, killer cliffs, hidden paths, spectacular looking warps, and hordes of the bizarre enemies. Players can pump up their bombs to at least twice their original size, making them each that many times powerful. Kicking and throwing are built in abilities, leaving the collection of familiar power ups slightly slimmer, but no less valuable. Extra lives, health bonuses, flames, and special power-ups, liked timed bombs and others, are still part of the arsenal. The gameplay in Bomberman 64, in the final analysis, is refreshing and relatively progressive, while not being terribly surprising. Bomberman 64 has evolved into the 64-bit universe, bringing along the simple charms it's always been loved for in a good, solid package.

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