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Bomberman 64

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Reviewed by Dave Lowe Bomberman one of my favorite characters is back in another game this time for N64. If you are like me you couldn't wait to get this game and over all it was worth it. I am happy to say it is one of my few N64 games.

Graphics 4 out of 5

If you liked Super Mario 64's graphics you will love Bomberman's. The only problem is like in Mario that pesky camera man still needs lessons if bomber even has a camera man that is.

Music and sound 3.5 out of 5

The music isn't bad and the sound FX's are pretty good. The only complaint I have is that after a while it gets boring listening to it but what doesn't.

Game Play-Fun 4 out of 5

The adventure is fun but the battles are better. The adventure has its ups and downs but all and all it is fun to play. As for the battles they are what make this a real interesting game. It is fun just to blow up your family in the battles not to mention the joy of laughing your head off when your dad or some on else gets blown to bits by the computer controlled players in it.


You may want to pull your hair out on this game folks, but that's what makes it fun. All the puzzles are real simple once you see it but the key is to see the answer. The bad thing of this is that you blow yourself up a lot at the begging.

Replayability 3.5 out of 5

The adventure's replayability stinks. Nothing changes what so ever. Now the battles make this a replay able game as most of you can tell by the game play fun section the battles are what I liked the most. If the battles were not in the game the score would be different.

Game value

The game is worth the price. No question about it.

Overall 3.5 out of 5

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