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Body Harvest

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Reviewed by Jason Puehler Ok, imagine if you will, That God didn't create man. That all we know about our existence is a lie. Ok enough of the boring stuff. Humans were planted on Earth, allowed to expand their lives and now it's DINNER TIME!!!! Does that sound kind of weird? That's the idea behind Body Harvest. Giant alien bugs planted humans on Earth and now they have come back to feast. This game is all about you a Super Soldier Marine, trying to save humanity by travelling through time and you guessed it, killing big, bad, acid dripping alien bugs.

Graphics 7 out of 10

The graphics in this game just don't cut it. The houses are basically all the same. The people look like paper cut-outs running around frantic. They are the creation of a lazy programmer, bored and decided to make one person and just change the color of their clothes. The landscape is beautiful if you like walking around on leafs (makes you feel like you're in the fourth grade finding maple leafs to trace over). Oh and there is a really cool feature in this game... you can see inside of people's houses and other buildings 'cause of more lazy programming. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are nice.

Music and Sound 6 out of 10

AHHHHH!!! My ears hurt from this game. The music in this game sounds like a cheap horror movie. The sound picks up and gets kind of freaky as you approach the alien bugs. The sound effects aren't too bad. They sound like they are far away instead of in your face. Oh and the music is very repetitive. The same awful uncreative noises poison this game. If you play this game may I suggest popping in a CD.

Game Challenge 9 out of 10

Ok this game is HUGE!! it has over 70,000 miles of landscape. Ok it's huge but there is no real reward for solving nearly impossible puzzles. The game is basically just about killing alien bugs and that's it. This game has so many puzzles and you need major problem solving skills and there are actually 4 difficulty levels...they hid 2 f them. You can access Very easy by rapidly pressing left on the control stick. Very hard can be found by pressing right on the control stick repeatedly. I'd stick to very easy and work your way up.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

Ok I found a way to play this game. Simply hook up your Game Shark and turn on invincibility, No humans killed, and get your favorite weapons. Then, blow up everything and anything in sight!!! blow up all your vehicles, (you can always return to your ship and get them back) kill all the humans, and destroy all the buildings. You can do this on any difficulty level too. There are so many ways to play with this game. I suggest my method with your favorite CD blasting in your ear to hype up the experience.


If you use my method for playing Body Harvest you'll have lots of fun (at least I did) and you can get all your frustration out on these alien bugs. I can get rather boring after a few hours but you do have the save feature. The puzzles do get to you after a while but there really is no problem as long as you don't let the humans die.

Replayability 9 out of 10

Well I can never get bored with this game. There are so many weapons and vehicles to play with. and the fact that you can get away with not completing certain missions does add to the replayability of Body Harvest. I am still playing this game despite the graphics and sound.

Game Value 7 out of 10

OK, If you wanna know if this game was worth the price. Let's just say I got this game as a Christmas present and my mom and I are still on speaking terms (laugh). I would definitely recommend this game if you like "shoot-um ups". I could sit and play this game all day if I didn't have a life. I highly suggest you check this one out.

Overall 7 out of 10

Body Harvest is a game that requires logical thinking and problem solving skills. It has something for everyone. It is definitely worth checking out. If you like RPG-Shooter types, Body Harvest is the game for you. This is one of those games that people will probably pass over and miss out on all the fun. I didn't miss it. I'm enjoying it right now.

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