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Armorines Project S.W.A.R.M

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Reviewed by Josh McMann Imagine saving the world from an army of super intelligent bugs, hold on hasn't this been done before,with games such as body harvest! well i guarantee you haven't seen any bug game do any thing quite like this game does. in armorines your are either the brash lewis or you're the thought bound lane trying to save the futuristic world from an army of blood thirsty bugs while completing the objectives necessary to make the mission efficient.

Graphics: 9 out of 10

the graphics in this game are spectacular definitely some of the best I've seen on the N64. For instance on the volcano mission there is a waterfall that truly looks like it is water, not only that but the bugs voracious enough to kill any soldier to stop in their path. the lighting is spectacular as well, there are very little defects and the rooms change accordingly. The only flaws at all is that you will occasionally enter a room too dark to see fortunately most of the time you have night vision glasses. this game is also expansion pak compatible to make the graphics even more spell binding.

Music and Sound: 10 out of 10

the sound is stereo quality so you will here every last bug part explode. the humans do talk and scream its quite amusing to see a scientist run from a malicious bug screaming "help me." the music is mostly bass sounds with tribal drums adding a nice effect to the fighting in the game.

Game Challenge: 10 out of 10

As i think all games should this game has a difficulty selection screen making it possible for you to choose how hard you want the game to be. on "easy" the bugs aren't difficult to defeat the levels are the same but you have less challenge on the way.on "normal the bugs are a bit more difficult you have more to do within the game. on "hard" the bugs kill with ruthless efficiency the objectives are much harder to complete and the bosses are much harder to destroy.

Game Play-Fun: 10 out of 10

there is no doubt about it this game is fun, the game maintains challenge while not being frustrating and allows you to control the big portion of the action, the graphics are amazing so you have lots to look at, and the game will keep you playing and absorb you into a world of action and excitement.

Replayability: 10 out of 10

you can play this game over without getting bored simply because there is more you notice the second time through. this game does offer alternate endings if you complete it under a certain time or if you find all the cheat secrets.

Game Value: 10 out of 10

this game would be worth almost any price considering that you get good graphics,clean sound,great action,and fair objectives this game is especially awesome if you have an expansion pak which offers more options to the gamer.

Overall: 10 out of 10

this game is worth it to check it out the game is intriguing and makes you think a little more than first person shooters as well as providing action that will make you come back for more.

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