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Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

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Reviewed by Tony Myers I was just going down to my TV room - which has an N64, Super NES, and NES - one day, when I decided to look through a box containing Nintendo manuals, old NES games, etc. when I came across a game that brought back several memories: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I bought Zelda II in about 1994-95. It was being re-released as part of Nintendo's "THE ORIGINAL: RE-RELEASED" series. By the way, Zelda II was the first Zelda game I ever owned. At first I didn't care much for Zelda but somehow I changed my mind. I was looking for the first one, but ended up with Zelda II. I got Zelda I later. While I played Zelda II, I remembered the never-forgotten sequel to the most influential game of all time. (Hey, Zelda II is, too!) Here's the scoop.

Graphics 3 out of 5

Even with the N64's games that sport impressive 3-D graphics, no one can forget the well-made graphics of Zelda II. The overhead and battle scene graphics are well maintained.

Music and Sound 4 out of 5

One word: Involving! I just love the way the music goes! From the peaceful music of the towns to the eerie music of the palaces and Great Palace, from the sounds of a boss blowing up, to the sound of the woman that revives Link's health, the music and sound has a lot to do with Link's world.

Game Challenge 5 out of 5

You want challenge? Zelda II delivers a game packed (and I mean PACKED) with challenge (and I mean CHALLENGE!) It will take a long, long time and a whole lotta guts to beat the game, even with the Game Genie plugged in.

Game Play-Fun 5 out of 5

Zelda II can be described in four letters: C-O-O-L. I had a lot of fun rediscovering all the items you would need to beat the game. I was playing an old file about 3/4 of the game done, and I still had to get the final two spells, Spell and Thunder. I had a great time, even though I beat the rest of the game in less than a day (using Game Genie, of course!).


With the Game Genie? Not as challenging. Without, you will have a hard time making your way to the end of the game in less than 2 years, even if you were forced to spend that amount of time in a locked room with no doors, windows or bed, just a light, a TV set, and your NES.

Replayability 5 out of 5

In all the hullabaloo with my Super NES and N64 games, I guess I forgot Zelda I and Zelda II. But when I turned Zelda II on, I remembered what I once forgot. If you're reading this, please take the time to turn your NES on and replay the two adventure games that paved the path for games to come.

Game Value 5 out of 5

I would pay anything just to get this game, even though I have it. It is MORE than worth its price. If you don't have it, get off your chair, run out to the nearest used video game store, and get it!

Overall 5 out of 5

Zelda II is an absolute must-have for any NES owner. You won't be deprived of a classic game that Nintendo worked hard on to achieve its popularity, hence it was re-released, along with the preqel, Zelda I (better known as The Legend of Zelda.) Go and play Zelda I and II once again, along with Link's Awakening and Link To the Past. Until the release of Zelda 64: The Ocarina of Time, remember the two that started it all.

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