Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
Reviewed by Capt'n N
As the Super-Hero of all Nintendo games, I find it to be my duty to review Zelda 2
for the NES. This game is under-rated, basically because the game is about 70%
side scrolling, which would normally be OK, but it's a Zelda game. This game is a
departure from its predecessor. It is more of a straight forward game; you pretty
much know what to do when you start, and villagers give you most of the information.
That's right, villages. Another departure is that you can't fight in the over world.
Bad guys chase you, and if they catch you, you are drawn into a battle scene, but
more about that later.
Graphics 8 out of 10
The overworld graphics could be a bit better, a few curved lines would be nice, but
unless you see a map of the whole world, then you won't notice it at all. The side
scrolling stages are slightly over average for a Nintendo game of this era. All of the
enemies, backgrounds, and you yourself are recognizable. The graphics in this game
aren't cartoony like in other Zelda games, they were meant to be realistic. For
instance, the characters look taller then they are wide, even in the overworld, no
Music and Sound 9 out of 10
Yeah!! I never judge early game sound by quality, only the sound of the tunes and the
elements going into it. The intro tune is dramatic, and I find it stuck in my head at
odd moments. But because it's one of the best tunes on the NES, that's a good thing.
The village theme sounds like a fifties do-wop song, but don't worry, it's equally as
good. The battle/dungeon tunes are great. They really the adrenaline pumping. The
over world theme is good, but slightly less memorable. It sounds like Nintendo actually
took some time on these tunes. My only problem: The Universal Zelda song (you know it)
isn't in this game!
Game Challenge 10 out of 10
Man, this one will keep you busy for a while. This is so hard. Harder then Zelda one.
You can slash at a guy, and he'll move his shield and block you. You keep doing it, and
he keeps moving his shield. And all this time you're thinking,"Why don't I have a
shield!" Therefore, a relatively easy enemy that can take 5 hits from you on sword
level three can wind up taking 24 hits! It is sometimes hard to find enemy weak spots.
The puzzles are challenging. But one relief is that you start out with full hearts and
Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10
This game is a great game! Near perfect. The only game I've ever played where my
adrenaline pumps through the whole thing. The only problem is that it's so hard that
it becomes somewhat frustrating if you're not up to a challenge. The control is great,
but it took me a while to figure out that select controls the magic, but I realize that
it's the only place to put it. The overworld plays like Final Fantasy. It would be a nice
addition if you could use items with the B button, like in other Zelda games, but it's OK.
One of the best NES games ever.
This game is kind of frustrating, especially when it comes to challenge. See my
Example above, about my experiences with the orange shield guys. Another is that
it takes time to figure out the magic trick in a few villages. Sometimes you have
to look for something. Sometimes be past a certain level. Another is that when you
are on the way to do something, you get sucked into a battle, or are slowed by a
swamp, or something.
Replayability 8 out of 10
This game is cool because you see something new each time you play. Also, because
it's so tough, you might wind up playing it quite a lot. There's still a lot to do after
you beat it, especially when gaining levels.
Game Value 10 out of 10
This game is worth the $10 I payed for it at Funcoland. I'd gladly pay $15.
Overall 10 out of 10
This is one of the best NES games in the history of the system. It has lots of variety,
and it should not be underestimated. Buy it now.