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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game

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Reviewed by MarioKnowsPokeshippy Well, I've always been a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, and this is a conversion of the TMNT Arcade game. According to the instruction manual, Shredder wants revenge for what happened at the end of the first movie, and has trained over 700 Foot Soldiers in Taekwondo ninjarobics. Actually, Konami released this game in 1989, before anyone even heard of the Ninja Turtles movie. So what's the real deal? Shredder's Foot Soldiers start the mess by setting fire to April's apartment building. So the Turtles leap down to the building and fight Rocksteady in April's apartment, only to see Shredder show up and take April for a ride. So we head off with the rest of the game.

Graphics: 2 out of 5

"It's the arcade classic, only better"???? Gimmie a break! These graphics are inferior! Next time you read Nintendo Power's strategy for this game in Volume 21, look at the difference between the original arcade game and this conversion. The backgrounds looked more realistic, you could see graphite on the Times Square walls, you could see famous city landmarks while riding your CheapSkates, and the Turtles were actually able to look different from one another! Chalk up one Turtle for the arcade game!

Music and Sound: 5 out of 5

This one's a tie! The music from the arcade game was NES-ified for NES. The music in Vinnie's Parking Garage is killer. And Shredder's theme music ("Tatsujin" in The Manhattan Project) definitely fits a villain like Gary Oak!

Game Challenge: 3 out of 5

Ahh, the bosses are too easy! As Nintendo Power suggests, use Flying Kicks on them. But it's also easier to use Special Attacks. I doubt you'd be able to take Krang out with 110 Flying Kicks and Slashes. Baxter was easiest, especially when his sprite is overlapping your Turtle's sprite. However, the stages are longer here then they were in the coin-op. But what was really taken out was that, in the arcade game, Shredder split into two Shredders for each Turtle that was being played. 1 Turtle, 2 Shredders. 2 Turtles, 4 Shredders. 3 Turtles, 6 Shredders. 4 Turtles, 8 Shredders! Here, he only splits into two no matter how many Turtles you have.

Game Play-Fun: 4 out of 5

What's fun is that you can boost your points fighting Baxter. If you take out the Mousers his machine spits out, you can get more points.

Overall: 5 out of 5

This is, overall, a great game, but it's sad that you fight Baxter as a mutant in the parking garage, when in the arcade, you fought Bebop and Rocksteady as a team. It's also good to see Tora and Shogun from the comics. And don't listen to the manual: Baxter does NOT become Gnatman by nightfall!

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