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Tecmo Super Bowl

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Reviewed by Mike Sipics In my opinion, this was the first football game for any system (and I have most of them) that was actually worth playing. It's still my favorite football sim, although I haven't gotten any in the past year because I was VERY disappointed with most of them that I tried. At any rate, on to the review.

Graphics 9 out of 10

When considered in the framework of its time, this game had terrific graphics. The cinema screens that come up for touchdowns, etc., are awesome. On the negative side, they could have used a little more of these scenes (for instance, if there's a sack you will see the SAME sack scene every time). There are practically no slow downs caused by the graphics either, which seemed to be a rarity in Nintendo games. The one big negative of the graphics, however, is that the players tend to flicker sometimes. Your eyes get used to it after a while, but it may drive some people crazy...

Music and Sound 8 out of 10

The music of this game rocks. Catchy little ditties play whenever the ball is in play, and there are short jingles for sacks, touchdowns, field goals, etc. There is even different music for the play-offs and the pro bowl. What holds this category back, however, is the sound. The sound effects basically consist of grunts and collision noises. All in all they aren't very realistic, but I've always found them useful for comic relief. On the other hand, you have to remember that this game came out close to a decade ago.

Game Challenge 6 out of 10

If you're a hard-core video gamer who is looking for a terrific AI opponent, look elsewhere. The computer is extremely easy to beat for an experienced gameplayer, particularly early in the season. It's even possible (though difficult) to score 100 points in one game. There's a technique you can master to dodge tacklers with all but the slowest of players, so once you're behind the computer defense you won't ever get caught. To it's credit, the game gets harder as the season progresses, and you can challenge yourself by being a really bad team, but still, the only real challenge is seeing if you can go undefeated and seeing how badly you can paste the computer and what sort of monstrous statistics (which the game keeps track of) you can run up. If that doesn't sound like fun to you, you'd better find a friend.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

This is where this game really shines. The controls are very easy to use, yet there is a definite skill involved in the passing and the running. While there are only 8 plays available to you during a particular game, any teams playbook can be filled with your choice of about 60 different plays. While it's possible to do well with the really good teams without much skill, to truly master the game and be able to contend with any team, it will take a certain amount of practice. One of the great features of the game is that you can control any number of teams. Thus, if you happen to have 27 friends, you can each control a team and go through an entire season. On the more realistic side, if you can manage to form a league where you have enough human players so that not all the human teams will make the playoffs, then you can have fun with this one for years to come. On the other hand, if you're looking for a game you can play for months by yourself, you'll probably get pretty tired of this one after a while

Replayability 9 out of 10

As mentioned above, this game is absolutely terrific if you have some friends to play against (who won't mind if you're a little better than them). I used to play this game all the time with 3 friends of mind, and the only reason we stopped is that we went to different colleges. If you don't have anyone who's willing to play Nintendo football with you, however, then you'll probably only play this game for a month or so.

Overall 9.5 out of 10

Overall, this is just one of those rare games that you can play with your friends long after it has supposedly become obsolete. This game isn't the best in one player mode, but then again I have found very, very few sports games over the years which are. If you're one of the few people who owns a Nintendo and doesn't own this game, you should definitely check it out.

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