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Swords and Serpents

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Reviewed by Leo Hastings Here is one of my all time favorite games for the Nintendo. Swords and Serpents. I thought the game was planned out pretty well with an auto map which was always on, random monsters, increasing difficulty, the ability to earn your spells (not getting them with the level.), the amount of weapons were nice (the Magician should be able to use a shield.), the graphics were nice and clear (unlike a few Super NES games I've played.), and the enemies life meter was a nice touch! :-)

Graphics 8.8 out of 10

The graphics were nicely done but a little more movement in the enemies would have been nice, but the characters were planned nicely and they had their own abilities, look, feel, movement, and texture which you don't find very often anymore. :-(

Game Challenge 9.9 out of 10

The game was difficult for a game like that. Acclaim gave you a map so you could see where you've been or haven't been which took off some of the challenge, but the monsters got more difficult(I had to stay on floor 1 until i could defeat the first boss the seven guards.) so don't feel bad about dyeing it beat me before i got smart and used a combo of 2 Magicians and 2 Warriors the thieves weren't any good they were warriors but they couldn't use the more powerful stuff and they couldn't use magic which you MUST have in order to beat the game.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

I liked the game it kept my interest un-like Legacy of the Wizard which took me 5 years to beat. I played Legacy of the Wizard because I had nothing better to do. This game had lots of weapons and spells a good exp. system and i liked the humerus messages when you got close to a zoom tube the enemies always seemed to pop up at the wrong time or when you were busy doing something else which kept me interested. The enemies got tougher as you earned more power the kind of challenging puzzles and clues kept you playing to see what they ment by that remark or to see what the next enemy was.


The most frustrating part about this game was finding out the long and difficult puzzles and clues. I took out most of my frustration out on a klondike bar and countless cans of cola, along with some enemies and the final boss if you must call it that. :-) I found out the hard way that if you don't have at least one Magician you'll defiantly fail before you start cause he/she brings up the healing part unless you think you can go from levels 1 to 5 then to 10 without getting healed by the monks. Another frustration I found were the zoom tubes and countless teleporters which took me back to floor 1 and made me start all over again.

Replayability 10 out of 10

I thought this game was great! I kept playing for hours it took the whole summer vacation, 115 cans of cola 8 klondike bars and countless hours of note taking but you won't need all that if you take your time, just relax calm down and keep pressing the A button a whole lot when you see an enemy, occasionally letting it rest for about 5-10 sec. to press the B button so you can heal your party or your self (if everyone died or you told them to run away.)

Overall 9.8 out of 10

I thought the game was pretty good to my though ratings my only perfect score was Final Fantasy 3 this one came close to a perfect score except for the graphics, the ones for Ninja Turtles 3 for the NES were a little better, but that's another story. :-)

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