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Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet

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Reviewed by Jason Madsen Back when the people at Nintendo were getting better at making larger games you began to see games with 2 or more games on them. The best one to get was the 3-In-1 Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet. In order to have this game you had to be a real serious gamer because 2 out of the 3 games required accessories. To play Duck Hunt you had to have the Light Gun, To play Track Meet you had to have the Power Pad. But if you were lucky enough to all ready have these items then this was the game to have! We'll start with Mario: Lets face it this game is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! This was the first game to be developed for the NES and man was it cool! In it you play Mario an Italian plumer who goes to rescue his girl friend form King Copua (i know sounds lame but it isn't, trust me!) Since most of you are familiar with the game (considering it was free if you bought the NES system) I wont go into much detail. Next you have Duck Hunt. This is the greatest Light Gun game you can get! If you have a light gun and you have a NES your game collection is not complete with out this game! Your a hunter who goes out to hunt for (what else) Ducks with your Dog. The game play is fun and long lasting, but be warned the closer you are to the TV the less fun the game is. And last but not least World Class Track Meet. Now this game dose require the Power Pad but trust me this game alone is worth going out and buying one. You compete in several different track and field games suck as: Hurtals, The Long Jump , and ext. But this game isn't all that fun for a single person, for this game its the more the maryier. I can still remember when I was 7 playing this game with my cousins for hours upon hours! In the summer time we would start when our parents left for work and stop around diner time, it was a blast!

Graphics 8 out of 10

The Graphics are pretty good for the NES System. In the Track and Field game the pixels are a little big but you don't really notice it. Duck Hunt the graphics are killer! Its cool when the Ducks go flying across the screen and your just firing away! Mario, hey it was the first NES game of course the Graphics are going to be a little rough. But what it lacks in graphics it makes up for in game play trust me!

Music and Sound 7 out of 10

Mario has the best music of all! Who can forget that catchy little toon as you go across the levels! Duck Hunt doesn't have music but if you play for a while that quacking can get real annoying! World Class Track Meet has great sound the feet running and jumping matches right up with yours on the power pad.

Game Challenge 9 out of 10

Hey you got 3 games here there's enough challenges to test your skills as a gamer for a long time! Mario takes me about a day to beat giving the effort and time I put in (this is because I know the game by hart if you have never played this game it should take you a bit longer) Duck Hunt, well I don't think this game ends! I don't know one person who has beaten this game. I got to level 20 and lost so I don't know? World Class Track Meet when first starting it can be a challenge but stick in there it gets better!

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

3 games for what ever type of mood your in! You got Mario for a nice long quest. You got Duck Hunt for a great Shooter Game, and World Class Track Meet if its to cold to go out side and work of some pounds. Its all up to you on this one!


Not much to worry about here, Mario can get you mad real easy if your not good at platform jumping. Duck Hunt can really make you mad! I would constantly throw my gun controller swearing at those ducks. (I'm horrible at shooters) World Class Track Meet, this all depends on you. If your an over weight slop who hates to run you'll really get mad at this one, but if you like Track and all around competition you'll have a blast!

Replayability 6 out of 10

Mario dose become lame after you beat it a couple times, I should know I've beaten it thousands of times but it is great the first couple times through. Duck Hunt you will constantly replay, this is because you wont beat it for a while. Like I said I don't Know one person who has beaten this one. Hey I couldn't even tell you how many levels there are. World Class Track Meet is a great replay game, it's a blast when you throw a party and every one joins in, hey it beats pin the tale on the donkey.

Game Value 10 out of 10

Considering this game is 9 cents on Funco Land (as of 1-4-2000) this is a great game value. You get 3 games of 3 different types, thats just hours upon hours of game play. Whether your a great gamer or never held a controller in your life.

Overall 9 out of 10

Overall if you have the accessories and need some time to kill this is the perfect game! You can get it for 9 cents, you get 3 games and its loads and loads of fun! If you don't have these games separately and really want them this is a great chance to get them all for one killer price! I strongly recomend this game for all ages and gamers alike!

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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