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Reviewed by Greyson Rohfeld Shadowgate is one of the most unique games ever to grace the NES. Using virtually no motion, this game relied solely on adventure; not graphics. The interface works like this: You take your pointer icon, click the action you want to use, and then click once again on the action screen with the object you want to interact with. I'll get further into gameplay details later in the review.

Graphics 5 out of 10

Shadowgate's graphics are exactly candy for the eyes, but they do get the job done. But the thing is, you don't need graphics in Shadowgate. As I said before, the game has very little movement on the action screen. When you select to move forward the screen becomes black, and then the next room appears. You are not seen moving, like in the 7th Guest. Overall, I don't mind the graphics, but because of this game's genre, graphics do not matter!

Music and Sound 7 out of 10

Shadowgate's music put you right into the game with it's creepy, dark, melodies. They only make the game better than it already is. However, some rooms do not have music which is very effective! The final scene is suspenseful because of the lack of music. The sound in this game is executed very well.

Game Challenge 9 out of 10

The puzzles in Shadowgate are mainly very tough. Some are easy, but that just creates proper balance. You can interact with everything, and everything has a purpose. Making a false move will kill you sometimes, but you can always continue and save your game. All the puzzles make sense too. None of them are abstract, and when you figure one out, you'll say, "That makes sense." There's a lot of ground to cover, keeping gamers busy for hours.

Game Play-Fun 9 out of 10

This game is very fun, but you need patience to have a good time. Completing a puzzle is very satisfying, and you can't wait to explore more. To make the game even more fun, the story is very involving; absorbing you further into the game.


I you're not a patient gamer, you will have frustration completing this game. Some puzzle solutions are a little hard to figure out, and when you get stuck and try everything you can think of and still are stuck, that's the point of the patient and non-patient gamer. A patient gamer will retrace their steps, get more items etc... A non-patient player will give up and become frustrated. This game only applies to patient players.

Replayability 3 out of 10

You can't really replay this game after you know all the puzzle solutions. You can complete the game in 10 minutes if you've beaten the game before. The only other thing you can do is play around with non-usable objects and look at everything.

Game Value 9 out of 10

This adventure is definitely worth the price! It's hours of fun for all patient gamers, and offers constant thrills and chills.

Innovation 10 out of 10

This game is one of a kind. No wait, it has one other similar game, Deja Vu, which is essentially the same type of game with a modern day setting. Nonetheless, this game stands out from the rest.

Overall 9 out of 10

Shadowgate is a very involving, thrilling game. There's always something new to explore and it is always fun to do it. While it lacks graphics, it makes up for them in the story and adventure. A class act all the way.

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