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River City Ransom

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Reviewed by Jeremiah Aker A graphical beauty, a musical amazement, and a movie quality story... so, how come you've never heard of it? Two reasons: number one, it's made by a tiny company named American Technos. Number two: it didn't sell too well. It's a shame too. So, forget yer' Ninja Gaiden, and forget your Double Dragon (although ironically, Technos made that one too...), this is the best fighter ever made for the NES. So, what's it about? To put it simply... gang wars! The gang lord slick has run amok and taken over River City, and holds the entire school hostage. When two young men find out, they feel it's time to get their city back, alone. Together, they must take on hordes of bullies, as they fight to get to slick.

Graphics 9 out of 10

This game is a beauty! Never have I seen this many details in a NES game before. Every character in the game has a different look... not just color changes, but a completely different face! You never fight the same guy twice!! The backgrounds are great, very colorful and very interactive. if you run too close to a telephone pole, you'll hit it. You can hop fences, and even enter into shops in some of the malls. If you hit your friend, he'll feel it, you can use weapons trash cans, pipes, chains.... no swords or guns here! There is a lot going on on screen too, lots of action, plenty of fighting, sometimes with up to 8 guys on screen. Although there is a few glitches here and there, it doesn't detract from the game. All in All, the backgrounds make the game, if I saw a gang war, this is where it would be, on the streets. Animations for hits are great too, as the guy's eyes bug out and he hunches over.

Music and Sound 10 out of 10

The tunes kick butt!! There as hardcore as you can get on the NES, most resembling hardrock or Alternative. This will really get you into the game, as you fight on, you'll notice the music change according to what's happening: If you find a boss, the music will rock out a little more, If your inside of a shop. the tunes will be more cartoon like. The Dragon Twin's boss music has to be heard to be believed. Truly the best music samples I've ever heard in an NES game. As for sound, you'll get a completely different sample for what your actions are. Kicks and Punches are standard kicks and punches, but it'll sound two different ways depending on if you do a high or low move. If you hit a guy with a weapon, it'll make a different sound. If you throw a guy, you'll get a different sound, even if you block a move... You can play this game blind and know what's going on just by listening.

Game Challenge 8 out of 10

It took me 2 years to beat this game, so there is challenge, but, not necessarily in the opponent category. The real challenge comes in finding bosses, and solving some interesting RPG like aspects. The later gangs are tough as nails as they learn your fighting style, and subtly begin to gang up on you... it's not uncommon to find a 4 on one situation. Unfortunately, once you've beaten the game a few times... it kinda gets old, but.... you never play the same game twice, since the CPU randomly places gangs. You could fight a late level gang in the second scenario, so, it does add depth. there is an odd continue style, in which, if you die, you start out from the last shopping center you entered, and with half of your money. The continues in this are basically unlimited.

Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10

This will always be my favorite game. This is one of the funniest games I've ever played. The little things keep you coming back, like the neat, RPG like dialog among characters, stuff like "Rocko says punks can't pass" and "Yo, no dirty shoes on my clean gym floor." Theres also some humorous aspects to the game, like being able to get books that grant you new moves, and being able to set up attacks with multiple weapons and characters. Stuff like your partner throwing a trash can at a guy, and as it connects, dashing over and uppercutting him. or baseball, have your partner throw a rock, and as it comes toward you, hitting it with a stick. The rock will sail across the screen blasting someone in the face. You can even lure enemies off of ledges and into holes. This is a great game to kinda mess around with. You'll have a great time.


There's not a lot of frustration unless you play with the two player. In a 8 man rumble, you'll constantly find that you're hitting you pal in the face, instead of an opponent. Also, since you get money for beating up guys, you may find your partner robbing you of prescious cash if you fight close together. This game was meant for one player. The two player style just doesn't work here. Just imagine playing a 2-man RPG... it's a little hard to pull off. On the one player side, some bosses can get a little tough at times, but not enough to frustrate you. The game isn't cheap by any means, and you'll find that whatever the computer does, you can do, albeit with one guy.

Replayability 8 out of 10

Like I said, there's a lot of depth and zanyness, it's just a matter of finding it. I own a PSX and a SNES, but still find myself playing this game more than anything. Once you've beaten it a few times in one player, try the two player game, it's an absolute riot (no pun intended)

Game Value Score 10 out of 10

I would buy this game again, if given the chance. I've never gotten more for $40 than this baby, and that was new. Funco's selling it for $8. If you pass this up, you'll be missing out on one of the greatest, yet most underrated games ever.

Control 10 out of 10

The control is flawless... the characters do exactly what you tell them, and even the tough stuff is easy to pull off. Keep in mind, it's all about timing. Like to block, you press either punch or kick when an opponent kicks or punches. you can jump over stuff, jump on stuff, dash, and even pick up other characters and toss them into other characters.

Overall 9 out of 10

Plain and simple, an absolute masterpiece. you'll love this one, and won't be able to put it down. so, if you don't have it, go get it!!!

Want this game? Find it on Amazon.com!!

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