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Bubble Bobble 2: Rainbow Islands

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Reviewed by Matt Hull

Graphics 7 out of 10

Like Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands doesn't have groundbreaking graphics. However, RI proves that graphics aren't everything. However, I'm perfectly content with the "cutesy" enemies and overall, the graphics are pretty good especially in the ending. The "Arkanoid" level (level 4) has graphics that fit the Arkanoid atmosphere perfectly! If you're a big Arkanoid fan and a big collector, you'll want to see this. :) Levels range from Monster Island to some Japanese Island to a mysterious Bubble Bobble type level. There's a LOT of nostalgia in RI for Bubble Bobble and Arkanoid fans. (other Taito games BTW so there's no copyright issue involved) :) One thing that RI improves on over Bubble Bobble is the background graphics. They are very well done.

Music 8 out of 10

Whenever there are a lot of tracks, I am usually pleased. Bubble Bobble had one of the best soundtracks ever for a puzzle game. (most memorable anyway) Rainbow Islands has some great music also. The nice tracks of level 1 to the silent stages in the Arkanoid stage, (I personally love the silence in the Arkanoid stages...it adds some suspense) RI has a great soundtrack. And for those Bubble Bobble fans who remember that one tune in the sound test (after the credits roll) that wasn't in BB, it's in the credits roll to this one.

Play Control 8 out of 10

This is where Rainbow Islands is very intuitive. You press the A button to jump and the control pad to move like in most games, but the B button fires your weapon. (rainbows) You can walk on the rainbows via using the control pad. However, if you jump, the rainbow will fall smashing the enemies in your way. By zapping enemies with the rainbow, you will get special items such as fruit that adds up to big points and the pot that increases the size and speed of your rainbow. If you create a rainbow, jump on it, and blast the enemy below, it might yield a diamond!! You need to get all 7 colored diamonds in each level to get the best ending. The play control is very good in RI.

Fun 8 out of 10

Rainbow Islands is a very good game that is a lot of fun. Although it lacks a two player mode, (which has made Bubble Bobble what it is today) it's still a great game. It's just a blast blasting enemies and encountering new levels. One area where RI lacks is a password feature. This game is LONG and even if you use the secret stage select, you won't have the diamonds from previous levels. I was fortunate enough to beat this game in one day.

Challenge 9 out of 10

This game is very challenging and matches the incredible challenge of some of the puzzles in Bubble Bobble. Mainly the enemies and the time factor play a part of the challenge in this game. However, just getting all the rainbows in each level may be the toughest part. Overall, Rainbow Islands is a great challenge. If you think that this game will be too easy, you're WAY off. :)

Replay Value 9 out of 10

I haven't actually played this game in a while (having 140 games may have something to do with it :) ) but can say that it has a ton of lasting value. Not only are there tons of special items to get and all, but I think that there are several endings that you can get. The only one I've got is the best one but I noticed at the end you can wish for three things...so three things...3 endings?

Overall 8 out of 10

Rainbow Islands has to be one of the most original games that I have ever played. I don't remember any other games where rainbows are the main weapon and where you play an Arkanoid stage and hear remixed Bubble Bobble music. It's great! The game has a boss each level too which is really cool. If you haven't played this yet and like Bubble Bobble 1 and 2, then I HIGHLY recommend this game. It is rather rare too! I REALLY like how Taito included characters from some of their other NES games. I'm surprised that more NES companies didn't do this. On a side note, I highly recommend the unsung game BB2 as well. A lot of people haven't played BB2 and it's great!

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